Unlimited items from the shop

I have a problem with my shops and my inventory, when I buy bread for example, I can buy unlimited while in the database the limit is 10.

Also my other problem with some items in inventory I can’t use them, for example the radio when I slide it to use the button disappears.

Thanks for your help.

ps: I have the basic scripts and I haven’t made any changes.


Hello and welcome!

Okay, first of all, what kind of shop have u? Cause some shop script use the limit column in database, and others use the weight

About the inventory use… Which inventory script are u you using? Had you registered the item as usable?


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Which es_extended version are u using? In the v1 final you have the weight system instead of item limit https://github.com/esx-framework/es_extended/blob/v1-final/server/classes/player.lua#L267

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Thank you Chicle.
I have one last question: how can i remove “esx_kashacters” from the server, because every time i try to remove it doesnt work.
I cannot register my character, he appears in ped anywhere in the map

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