UnknownRP | Allow-Listed | Active Staff | LAFD - LAPD - LASD - CHP | Civilian Jobs | Gangs | Join Today: https://www.discord.gg/waRtmcuJzC

Discord link to UnknownRP: [URP] UnknownRP - ALPHA

What is UnknownRP?
UnknownRP is a FiveM server based around realism & serious RP - we are California based and therefore have plenty of real life buildings & more! We have plenty of cool features and everything for anyone including EMT, PD, Criminal Jobs & Civilian Jobs. We also have active gangs, staff and more!

CHP Base, Car & Uniform
Fully Customised Interior with California Highway Patrol badges on the doors, carperts, stands and front of the building.

PD Cars
Fully customized PD, CHP & K9 cars

Fully Working IPhone in game - Designed and Coded by: Quasar

UnknownRP Sign

Custom Forum Website

Our Features:
:purple_circle: QB-Core Framework :purple_circle:
:moneybag: Semi-Realistic Economy :moneybag:
:leaves::pill: Drug Systems for weed, cocaine, meth & heroin :pill::leaves:
:tshirt: EUP Clothing :tshirt:
:policeman: LAPD, LASD, CHP including cars/mlo/uniform/ranks and more! :police_car:
:medical_symbol: LAFD including cars/mlo/uniform/ranks and more! :medical_symbol:
:computer: EMERGENCY SERVICES MDT :computer:
:male_detective: Blackmarket Dealer :male_detective:
:adult:‍ Legal Jobs :adult:
:briefcase: Player Owned Businesses :briefcase:
:judge: Lawyers :judge:
:bank: Robberies including banks and shops :bank:
:red_car: Custom Cars & Handling :red_car:
:house: Affordable Houses :house:
:mechanic: Mechanic shops & custom upgrades :mechanic:
:star: Development server for development team :star:
:spider_web: Website for server :spider_web:
:iphone: Working IPhone with YouTube, Spotify and more! :iphone:

In the works:
:hammer_and_wrench: More development & Scripts :hammer_and_wrench:
:rocket: Custom designed server launcher :rocket:

How to join?
We are an allow-listed server, all you have to do is join our discord at the top of this thread and wait 15 mins before you gain your citizen role! Make sure to read the rules during this time as our server rules differ from that of other servers. Also make sure to sign up to our forum in order to stay up to date & to apply for whitelisted jobs!

Enjoy & Hope to see you around!