Unexpexted behaviour of vehicle creation


Using canary? Yes
Windows version: 1909
System specifications:


Operating system: Windows
Artifact version: 3737
IP address: localhost
Resources: default
System specifications: same as client


Summary: I am trying to create vehicle far away from player (~6000.0 units), than I am adding blip on created vehicle.

Expected behavior: One specific behaviour - preferably vehicle creation.

Actual behavior:
Sometime vehicle is not created, also sometime it will be created but deleted right away and in the rest of cases it will be created.

  • Vehicle created (red blip stays on map)
  • Created and deleted (red blip appears and dissappears)
  • Not created (nothing appears on the map)

Steps to reproduce: Execute following code on server side, open Map, use /tt command and wait for red blip. Repeat until reproducing all cases.

Server/Client? Server
Files for repro (if any):

RegisterCommand("tt", function(source, raw, args)
    local vehicles = GetAllVehicles()
    for k,v in pairs(vehicles) do

    local ped = GetPlayerPed(source)
    SetEntityCoords(ped, vector3(1100.14, 6488.708, 21.06024))
    local entity = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("blista"), 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, true, true)
    while not DoesEntityExist(entity) do
        print("Waiting for entity creation")
    SetEntityDistanceCullingRadius(entity, 10000.0)
end, false)

Error screenshot (if any):
.dmp files/report IDs:

Any additional info:
set onesync on

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Old RPC vehicle creation natives are meant to only create entities when actually in range, also the culling distance call probably won’t do much there.

Until the server can have a model list, use the experimental tree-based creation native instead.

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Can you post an example?

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Maybe he mean createautomobile
Search it on this forum

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