Unable connect to dedicated mumble server

gta-net-five Exception: Unknown exception

Unable to connect on dedicated mumble server. Getting above exception in game console after restarting resource and after every call of MumbleSetServerAddress . I’ve installed mumble-server on Ubuntu 20.04 on DigitalOcean (https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Installing_Mumble#Ubuntu) and I use MumbleSetServerAddress; I still can connect via iOS client.

(() => {
    const IP = "";
    const PORT = 64738;
    MumbleSetServerAddress(IP, PORT);
    setTimeout(() => {
        let connectingInterval = setInterval(() => {
            if (MumbleIsConnected()) {
            } else {
                MumbleSetServerAddress(IP, PORT)
        }, 1000);
    }, 3000);

Happening both on 2967/stable and 3054/canary server/client builds.

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mumble is built into the servers as far as I know why get a dedicated mumble server?

You are right, it is built in. Answering your question, the reason you might want to have dedicated mumble server can be a splitting network usage on two sepparate servers, one for Fivem, second for Mumble; another reason - is to have more control on voice server, then FiveM allows you, so you will be able to configure your Mumble Server as you wish.

Having the issue too. Some users can connect perfectly and talk to each others but the rest have gta-net-five Exception: Unknown exception.

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