[UK/EU] British Island Roleplay - https://www.britishislandrp.com

Website: https://www.britishislandrp.com/
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/birp

British Island RP is the home of Serious British-Themed FiveM roleplay. At BIRP we revolve around creating a friendly community where people can build real friendships and have a great time RPing whilst doing so!

We have some amazing features, including custom buildings for the NHS, Police, and other businesses! We want you to get involved as a Metropolitan Police Officer, a Paramedic, a gang member - or even a normal civilian living in London!

We’ve developed the server over a few months and are continuously improving, taking on community suggestions and inputting them into our monthly development sprint cycles. Come and take a look at our community on our Discord link, stop by and say hello!

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I have played quite a few roleplay servers and this one… is something else. the community has helped me alot to get started and the roleplay is on point. ill recommend this server to anyone looking for UK roleplay.


This is my first ever roleplay server and i have to admit, there has not been a day since the server was released were i have not played it, I am honoured to be apart of the staff of this server as it is such a welcoming server that makes sure that all players are happy.

I recommend this to everyone who plays fivem and likes to rp as it is soooooo good.

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So to start off I never played a RP server on FiveM as I only stuck to FPS but when being introduced to BIRP I fell in love with it. The welcoming from everyone is amazing, you truly get that community welcome that everyone deserves. I am honoured in being staff for the server and I would highly recommend to everyone that enjoys RP.

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I have been playing FiveM for a long time in multiple servers, i have been in BIRP for about 5 weeks and can honestly say i will not be moving to another server. BIRP is full of great players and is an amazing RP server!!!

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eversince ive played this server ive had nothing but joy with the lads would 100% recommened it!


ima show a few images of the server for a sneak peak :wink:

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server is fucking great

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Just one of our imported cars - the AA lads were drooling over this one!

NCA and 2 more gangs have just been added… This has made it so we can do alot more roleplay. OH YEAH court houses

pls someone or admin reset the code is expired

Can I have a discord link please because the existing one is expired.

the same thing is happening to me

Hi all,

please make this city again 3 years later im typing this at 8:54pm

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Who’s this then?
