Txadmin run.cmd


I am not able to launch the server:
c:/Fxserver/server//run.cmd is not recognized as an internal or external command

also bellow file was not generated:
After that you could also run the start_<build>_<profile>.bat file created

FX version:2315

run.cmd no longer exists in new server builds, instead run FXServer.exe

Exactly my point, but seems that it is built in txadmin and i don’t know how to change it.

I’m not expired with txadmin, however in the newer server builds txadmin is shipped by default which can be started by running FXServer.exe (without arguments) this build might work with newer versions

Well i can say forsure from experience with cmd that the double slash before your bat file is whats causing the error, granted you have a run.bat file in that location. It is looking for an unnamed folder containing run.bat if you have your command as you have listed here.