[Tutorial][HOW-TO][ESX_DRUGS] remove any blip

Hi everyone,
Today I’m going to explain how to remove the unneeded blips from the map
this fix can be used to any other script but today I’m going to explain how to do it on esx_drugs.

  1. At the bottom of the config, paste this
Config.Blip = {
	DrugDealer = {coords = vector3(1329.02, 2571.29, 46.68)},
	WeedField = {coords = vector3(1398.09, 5493.83, 25.68)},
	WeedProcessing = {coords = vector3(1433.28, 4968.62, 42.35)}
  1. Open client file and select main.lua if you want to hide drug dealer blip or weed.lua if you want to hide weed field or procces blip

  2. For weed, change
    Config.CircleZones.Weed_____.coords on lines 10,26,41
    to Config.Blip.Weed______.coords

  3. For Drug Dealer, to the same on the line 35
    to Config.Blip.DrugDealer.coords

And you are done :slight_smile:
Feel free to ask me any questions


nice topic

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