[Tutorial] - GCPhone - Adding calls and job messages


I do not really understand your request. My english is approximate :joy:

  • You have the phone in item (so far no problem).
  • You receive notifications? Yes … what do you want to do exactly? Do not receive any more notifications and calls? But for what purpose

The sound is in client.lua :

Citizen.CreateThread(function ()
    while true do
        local playerPed   = PlayerPedId()
        local coords      = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
        local inRangeToActivePhone = false
        for i, _ in pairs(PhoneInCall) do
            local dist = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(
                PhoneInCall[i].coords.x, PhoneInCall[i].coords.y, PhoneInCall[i].coords.z,
                coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 1)
            if (dist <= 5.0) then
                DrawMarker(1, PhoneInCall[i].coords.x, PhoneInCall[i].coords.y, PhoneInCall[i].coords.z,
                    0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0.1,0.1,0.1, 0,255,0,255, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
                inRangeToActivePhone = true
                if (dist <= 1.5) then
                    AddTextComponentString("~INPUT_PICKUP~ Décrocher")
                    DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1)
                    if IsControlJustPressed(1, KeyTakeCall) then
                        PhoneInCall = {}
        if inRangeToActivePhone == false then
        if inRangeToActivePhone == true and currentPlaySound == false then
            PlaySound(soundId, "Remote_Ring", "Phone_SoundSet_Michael", 0, 0, 1)
            currentPlaySound = true
        elseif inRangeToActivePhone == false and currentPlaySound == true then
            currentPlaySound = false

Yeah well if i don’t have the phone i don’t want any notifications either. Same way as if i turn off the phone i don’t want notifications. Yeah i disabled that part of the code last night, still the ringtone came up. Maybe i have to take another look. Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

Oh ok,
Maybe check in the server.lua if player have item :

local phone_item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('nameofphoneindb')
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(destPlayer)

And check this party of code (not sure because I’m at work and I do not have access to everything :thinking:)

    if is_valid == true then
        getSourceFromIdentifier(destPlayer, function (srcTo)
            if srcTo ~= nill then
                AppelsEnCours[indexCall].receiver_src = srcTo
                TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
                TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
                TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', srcTo, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], false)
                TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
                TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
        TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
        TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)

look this ?

	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(destPlayer)
	local phone_item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('nameofphoneindb')

    if is_valid == true then
        getSourceFromIdentifier(destPlayer, function (srcTo)
			if phone_item.count ~= 0 then -- add this
				if srcTo ~= nill then
					AppelsEnCours[indexCall].receiver_src = srcTo
					TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', srcTo, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], false)
					TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
			-- fin
   -- else
        --TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
        --TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)

Hi, is there some way to set zoom at 80% by default?

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attempt to index a nil value (local ‘xPlayer’) on “local phone_item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(‘phone’)” It Doesnt want to grab destPlayer for some reason


Maybe add in your config.json this :

"zoom" : "80%",

Or in your html/static/js/app.js, search

 zoom: window.localStorage.gc_zoom || "100%",

and replace by :

 zoom: window.localStorage.gc_zoom || "80%",
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    if is_valid == true then
        getSourceFromIdentifier(destPlayer, function (srcTo)
			local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(destPlayer)
			local phone_item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('phone')
			if phone_item.count ~= 0 then -- add this
				if srcTo ~= nill then
					AppelsEnCours[indexCall].receiver_src = srcTo
					TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', srcTo, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], false)
					TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
			-- fin
   -- else
        --TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
        --TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
    -- endriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)

Same result. Don’t know what i’m doing wrong.

If you add a simple print for get the value of “destPlayer” what does it return? (look in F8 console)

    if is_valid == true then
        getSourceFromIdentifier(destPlayer, function (srcTo)
			local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(destPlayer)
			local phone_item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('phone')
---- THIS
			print(xPlayer .. "=>" .. srcTo)
---- THIS
			if phone_item.count ~= 0 then -- add this
				if srcTo ~= nill then
					AppelsEnCours[indexCall].receiver_src = srcTo
					TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', srcTo, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], false)
					TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
					TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
			-- fin
   -- else
        --TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
        --TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
    -- endriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)

It returns the number i was calling. {“numero”: “924-4835”}

Oh yep… it’s just the number of the player calling …
I’m sorry i do not see how, I’m not competent enough to help you more :disappointed_relieved:

Get this error over and over. No idea why.

Edit: fixed this but the whole mod is broken and this tutorial confused the hell outta me haha. Might give this mod a miss. Sucks though because I’ve used this on another server and it was fantastic.

Je suis bien troubler. Voila quelques semaine que je jongle avec gcphone…
J’ai fais toutes les manip.
Le cellulaire ouvre… par contre les messages… sms ou darkchat ne sont pas instantanné…
Il s’affiche seulement après une reconnection…
EX: j’envoie message d’urgence a la police…
La police recoie le ou les message lors de sa prochaine connection seulement.
Meme chose pour les sms.

Aussi sur console j’ai cette erreur lorsque j’envoie un sms ou message:

mysql-async.js:211133: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘type’ of undefined

Si je peut avoir l’assistance de quelqu’un avec qui GCPHONE fonctionne bien svp.


Merci Beaucoup

J’ai mis a jour mysql async… et maintenant les message sms entre cependant quand j’eesaie de voir le nouveau message entrant, je clique l’icone messagerie et l’écran est blanc. :face_with_head_bandage:

Aussi nouveau message d’erreur sur console:
[MySQL] [Slow Query Warning] [gcphone] [869ms] SELECT phone_messages.* FROM phone_messages LEFT JOIN users ON users.identifier = ‘steam:11111111111’ WHERE phone_messages.receiver = users.phone_number
[MySQL] [Slow Query Warning] [es_extended] [2284ms] UPDATE users SET name = ‘Sixsens’ WHERE identifier = ‘steam:1111111112222’

[MySQL] [Slow Query Warning] [es_extended] [2284ms]

2284 ms pour récupérer les infos de la base, il y a un problème. Ton serveur tourne sous Windows/Linux ? Tu as quelle version de mysql / async ?

sous windows server

la derniere version mysql / async

I was able to get the steam id from the phonenumber i was calling but even then it prints as null when checking inventory.

local target = getIdentifierByPhoneNumber(phone_number)
print(target ) returns “steam:xxxxxxxxxxx”
local phone = target.getInventoryItem(‘phone’).count
print(target ) returns “null”

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Test with :

local phone = target.getInventoryItem("phone")

if phone.count ~= 0 then 


That didn’t work but then i realised it started events in the client and added check there instead. Everything is working flawlessly now :slight_smile: thankyou so much for your help

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hello, what is it for you gcphone works perfectly? because other people and I, we have the concern of the whitescreen in the messages, when we receive a message in games so a new message when we return in the app it will be directly in whitescreen on the other hand if we leave and come back can see the messages in the app but the next message that we will find the whitescreen come back, as if it was because of you have a new message, here is the error code in the game console nui: // gcphone / html / static / js / vendor.js: 6, TypeError: Can not read property ‘0’ of undefined