[Tutorial] - GCPhone - Adding calls and job messages

When i go to message and thoose one i have message and write a new message it dont show it on the phone screen and when ill go back then my screen been white?? What wrong? and when i go back 2 times iam seeing my main screen.

¨ didnt work


Do you use another phone script ? I do not understand your dysfunction … It seems that images do not load ? Do you have make changes on the phone?
Do you have any error when you look on server (F8) or consol ?
The gcphone works perfectly for other.

Go step by step …

  • Download gcphone here : https://github.com/N3MTV/gcphone/releases
    You need the last releases and NOT the sources files.

  • When the download is terminated, extract the folder in your desktop

  • Like this :

  • Now upload the folders gcphone and esx_addons_gcphone in your ftp browsers.

  • Into your resources folder.

  • Go in your server.cfg, and add the start addons (this is an exemple, but you absolutely must start gcphone and esx_addons_gcphone before jobs addons :

# These are the core FiveM resources
start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start sessionmanager
start fivem
start hardcap
start ■■■■■■■
start scoreboard
start playernames
start baseevents

start mysql-async
start essentialmode
set mysql_debug false
start esplugin_mysql
start es_admin2
start async
start es_extended
start esx_menu_default
start esx_menu_list
start esx_menu_dialog

start vdk_call                    ------------------ (just download https://github.com/vodkhard/vdk_call )
start esx_addons_gcphone
start gcphone

start esx_ambulance
start esx_policejob
start esx_.....
  • Clear cache of your server

  • Start or restart your server


Ill get these in console when i have sent a messages and ill go back then the screen turns white when iam in message app.


1 Like

Hello, why the cops and medics doesnt become any messages?

Check if the number of your police is equal to :

number     = 'police',

And for your ambulance :

number     = 'ambulance',

I especially think that there is a problem of syntax, space in excess or badly closed the code, or ‘’ or}, {, …

if there is an error it is that the code that you put is not correct …

I do not do better than the tutorial, its running at 100% if you just do it.

perhaps ],

      "display": "Agent Immobilier",
	  "backgroundColor": "green",
      "subMenu": [
		  "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "realestateagent"
  ],                 --end of end  code job , here waring !!!!!!!!!!!!!  

where can i find this?

Hi. First sorry for my bad english ^^.

I got a little Problem with my GCPhone. I Rebuilded my new Server and all works fine. But the Problem that i have is a ###-##### Number. Some players got this Problem until i restart the GCPhone resource. Does someone know a solution or can give me a Hint ? THX

Phone is not showing when i open it

Probably a syntax problem if you have modified files. If you have any other ressources for phone, they must be deleted …

In your jobs addons (esx_ambulancejob, esx_policejob…)

Like what kind resources like esx_phone3 or something like that

Whats wrong? When i send a message it not shows up on the phone and when il go back once it turns white and when i hit back second time ill come back on main screen and when ill go back in messages it is still white.


  • Server ESX or VRP ?

    • Because gcphone is only for ESX.
  • Did you correctly import the SQL database ?

    • If so, are the messages that are sent visible in your database ?
  • Do you have errors via the server console or via the F8 console ?

  • Do you use another phone ?

    • If so, have you tried to disable it?
  • Where did you put the start gcphone ?

  • Did you start the gcphone before the jobs?

  • Have you made any changes ?

  • Have you clear the server cache ?

  • Did you follow the tutorial correctly?

Please bring as much information as you can :slight_smile:


Have you tried to disable it?

And look this post : [Tutorial] - GCPhone - Adding calls and job messages

Hi maybe someone can help me. I have the phone as item but i still get notifications. The message notifications were easy to turn of but where does it trigger the ringtone?


I do not really understand your request. My english is approximate :joy:

  • You have the phone in item (so far no problem).
  • You receive notifications? Yes … what do you want to do exactly? Do not receive any more notifications and calls? But for what purpose

The sound is in client.lua :

Citizen.CreateThread(function ()
    while true do
        local playerPed   = PlayerPedId()
        local coords      = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
        local inRangeToActivePhone = false
        for i, _ in pairs(PhoneInCall) do
            local dist = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(
                PhoneInCall[i].coords.x, PhoneInCall[i].coords.y, PhoneInCall[i].coords.z,
                coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 1)
            if (dist <= 5.0) then
                DrawMarker(1, PhoneInCall[i].coords.x, PhoneInCall[i].coords.y, PhoneInCall[i].coords.z,
                    0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0.1,0.1,0.1, 0,255,0,255, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
                inRangeToActivePhone = true
                if (dist <= 1.5) then
                    AddTextComponentString("~INPUT_PICKUP~ Décrocher")
                    DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1)
                    if IsControlJustPressed(1, KeyTakeCall) then
                        PhoneInCall = {}
        if inRangeToActivePhone == false then
        if inRangeToActivePhone == true and currentPlaySound == false then
            PlaySound(soundId, "Remote_Ring", "Phone_SoundSet_Michael", 0, 0, 1)
            currentPlaySound = true
        elseif inRangeToActivePhone == false and currentPlaySound == true then
            currentPlaySound = false

Yeah well if i don’t have the phone i don’t want any notifications either. Same way as if i turn off the phone i don’t want notifications. Yeah i disabled that part of the code last night, still the ringtone came up. Maybe i have to take another look. Thanks anyway :slight_smile: