I’m trying to remove the hud element that turn on when you set your gps and shows distance to your destination, shown in the picture. Does anyone have and clue how to go about this?
None of the HideHudComponentThisFrame native options work and I can’t find another native that does the trick.
I’ve been trying to figure it out for a couple weeks now. I asked on the forums and didn’t even receive a response. No clue if it’s even possible or not
Sorry for bringing an old thread back, but in case anyone needs the answer here is one:
-- Request the Scaleform by its name first.
local minimap = RequestScaleformMovie('minimap')
-- This part below resets the minimap, and preventing the Scaleform from hiding the minimap interior.
SetBigmapActive(true, false)
SetBigmapActive(false, false)
while true do
-- Removes the Distance to Waypoint.
BeginScaleformMovieMethod(minimap, 'HIDE_SATNAV') -- scaleform, method string
EndScaleformMovieMethod() -- don't know if this is necessary when calling a single scaleform but might be needed if multiple scalforms are used in a single loop? Either way, removing this native doesn't affect the result from the first native, i. e. the distance to waypoint or SATNAV gets removed.
-- Another Example for Removing the Health and Armour Bars under the minimap.
-- BeginScaleformMovieMethod(minimap, 'SETUP_HEALTH_ARMOUR')
-- ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamInt(3)
-- EndScaleformMovieMethod()