I remember a script on five m to get a box and to be hable to give/take it (on the forum) ! Im searching for it since 1 week, impossible to find it ^^ @CLOS
Ive made one that does that if you pickup a certain item
Did you released it ? In my case im talking about a “box” carry. But pretty easy to change the item ! Interesting
I’m having some issues with the forum where I can’t download that file for some reason. Are you able to host it somewhere or DM me a link to another site? Thx.
@AliciaW, That has now been fixed in the new update
@Sentaku, I swapped the buttons to hopefully make it more controller friendly
@CLOS, I tried to add nightclub animations and they weren’t working, I’ll try again later. I did add the box animation and threw a random box on for the prop.
@Piano_of_Pain, that is a scenario and not an animation, if I can find that pose as an animation I can make it so they can walk around with it. For now you can just do /e copidle to toggle it on and off.
@All_Sor I have released the box animation in the new update. To make it toggle with an item pickup is pretty easy to do if you use ESX framework.
When I make a command to do animation
and press X to end the prop in my hand
it works great but how do I remove the item from the hand. I do x and it glitchs threw the players hands?
Waw great job !! Thank you for this release
And i have a question, is it possible to assign a script animation to a key?
Or can it be complicated ^^
Thx for your answer mate @TrundleTheGreat. Actually we are working on a personal core but i will give it a look thx for your work and time.
/e cpr ? saw somewhere that the animation is cpr_loop_paramedic , but could be wrong
here is a video
making holster and notes to key to police
maybe a couple of dance
thank you! ill test it out when I can
If you want help with that let me know, I’ve made an item in ESX that when people pick it up it forces you to do the box animation, and then if you drop it, it will cancel the animation.
I enjoy seeing all the suggestions, I’ll try to add some dance moves for the next update.
@TrundleTheGreat I got a list of Dance anims. If you need them, i can pm.
Sure go ahead and I can add them when I get a chance, I’d appreciate it.
Just so people would stop flooding me with PMs, I created a topic.
Fixed props not deleting, add this to the end of client.lua
while true do
if IsControlJustReleased(0, 73) then
DetachEntity(prop, 1, 1)
DetachEntity(secondaryprop, 1, 1)
Props are deleted when you press X in the keyboard
IsControlJustReleased(0, 73) set 73 for your own key ID
Did you get this animation?