Trucking/Mechanic Map

Looking for something thats just diffrent ? Looking to add a bit more RP to your server !

This new MLO/Ymap is the perfect addition to your server !

The old post -op building that was taking up space has been removed and converted to a one of a kind trucking HQ for those looking for something just a bit special, located in the heart of the docks.

This was desgined around the Trucker Logistics script by Lixeiro Charmoso, featuring a space for your truck and trailers to spawn and make you rp way more entertaining.

This can be Customised into a Mechanic Workshop with a update to come soon for those wanting it.

Im more than happy to edit this to you needs via a ticket in our discord, Product will be locked via Tebex.

Textures are blank and changeable your needs :slight_smile:

I will attempt to make a video soon for it :slight_smile:

Link Here

Credit to Aletomax for helping make this with me :slight_smile:

hey bro. the link is dead, if you could fix this that would be awesome, :slight_smile:

Hey @AuSSiEBoGaN_7031,

Sorry for the inconvience

Do you have updated images of this?

The most different about this post so far, is that I cant see whats so different, neither here or on your tebex. Please make a preview, atleast something, to get my cuiriousness settled :slight_smile: