Truck Spawning Wrong

Hello everyone, I would like some help if possible, I have a problem with a tow truck mod

This only happens to some people, when trying to spawn the truck it spawns the fuel tank, I thought it could be a build, but using the same build the truck spawns normally.

I also thought it would be because of the Keymaster’s encryption, but for some people even the open vehicle continues to spawn the fuel tank, and for others it solves

Does anyone know what can it be ?

The normal truck

How is it spawning for some people

That happens when you try to spawn a vehicle using CreateVehicleServerSetter on server side and specify the wrong vehicle type.

Really depends on which scripts you are using but from checking ESX and ox_lib, they are using a list of vehicles that have them “wrong”. You need to add this truck to that list. But don’t ask me where it is. I just know it exists. Maybe someone else can point you in the right direction.

Tl’dr look for CreateVehicleServerSetter in your framework or whatever spawns the vehicle and you might just find that list.