Troubleshooting location specific crashes

I’m looking for strategies to troubleshoot what is causing players’ games to crash when driving on Vespucci around Fleeca bank, and exiting over the bridge by MRPD. There are some other places, but this is where it occurs the most.

Here are some details:

  • Crashes occur more with more population (around 30)
  • Crashes are induced by higher speeds mostly, but occasionally even slow speeds
  • We’re running 128 GB of memory and not pushing that or CPU very much
  • resmon in the area: CPU ms sits around 2.7 with Time% around 35

What we’ve tried:

  • We’ve tried taking out local resources like MLOs (MRPD, Auto Dealer, local shops)
  • We tried different builds - Going back to 2595 was promising, but breaks too many other resources (clothing, heists, etc)
  • Removing ped/vehicle traffic helped increase how fast you can drive through, but it still occurs
  • Analyzed crash logs but it’s difficult to know what to look for

What should I be looking at to continue troubleshooting this, and what else might I try?