Tripod Winch


Introducing Tripod Winch by BKing Development; a script which allows you to winch yourself down and up however you please, with the ability to carry other players whilst doing so.

Perfect for any servers looking to do any sort of rescue roleplay, and very customisable!

Video Showcase

Basket Update Video:


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There are multiple commands to this resource, and a few keybinds. All of these are easily configurable using the config.lua file.

These are the default commands and their usages:

  • /tripod; creates a tripod in front of you.

  • /tripodremove; removes the nearest tripod to you.

  • /tripodattach; attaches you to the nearest hook.

  • /tripoddetach; detaches you from the hook you are attached to.

  • /tripoddetach true; detaches you from the hook you are attached to, but places you forward a bit to prevent you falling from a ledge.

  • /tripodcontrol [serverid]; transfers control to the player with the specified server id.

  • /tripodcarry; carries the closest player.

  • /tripodbasket; puts the nearest person into a basket that you carry.

  • Up arrow; retracts winch.

  • Down arrow; extends winch.


This resource includes ACE permission support. This is done by the commands, for example:
add_ace identifier.license:abc12345678910 “command.tripod” allow

There is an ACE permission for each command, you can enable these if you wish through the config.lua


Simply drag and drop the resource into your resources folder, and add TripodWinch to your server.cfg


This resource has support for QB-Core inventory items

For configuration and how to setup the QB-Core integration, see the README.txt included in the download.

For integration with other frameworks, you can use the following event to trigger the /tripodwinch command without it being enabled: “ropetripod:tripodcommand”


Support is provided through the FiveM forums.


Feedback is always appreciated, as are bug reports, through the FiveM forums.


Hook prop and carabiner prop by PNWParksFan for Coastal Callouts.
Tripod textured by Moddex Development
Tripod modelled by BKing Development

Code is accessible No except for config file
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes
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Any plans for item/target support? or the addition of a basket for a patient?


I can look at adding item support, which framework would this be for?

We didn’t add the basket initially as we saw many examples of the victim being harnessed to the rescuer, however a basket is something we can look at in the future

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QBCore framework, the carry animation is nice but I think the addition of a basket option would also be great to see, would love to see more resources for rescue/ems type roleplay at this kind of price range.

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I haven’t worked with qb-core before but I will certainly take a look shortly!
I will also get a basket modelled soon and add it in.
My next plans are for a helicopter version so you can do this but from a helicopter!
It’s going ok so far:

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Actually, thinking about it, if possible maybe a script with a winch for helicopters, when enabled it would add a winch onto the side of a helicopter (with config options for the prop placement/offset per model) would be another great one to see

Already WIP, see above!

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can’t believe we put that at the exact same time lmao

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if you get things working with QBCore another great thing to see would be a script to have working Stretchers that can be attached to Ambulances for transportation, default QB method isn’t great and not many options around for Stretcher scripts.

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Also esx would be great

Is this for an inventory/item integration?

Yes, I’m using ox inv so a event or a export would be enough for me, and bling able to disable the command

This resource has now been updated to include QB-Core item integration, and the ability to disable the /tripodwinch command. I have also provided the event that you can trigger to mimic the tripodwinch command for integration into other inventory resources as requested!

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This resource has now been updated to include the basket! Check out the update video here: