TriggerLatentClientEvent kicked for being timed out

  1. Client (production/canary) and FXServer version - All client version, FXServer version - 7290
  2. What you expected to happen - I expect the data to be sent to the clients bit by bit, so it won’t overload the network and delay other events, as also the clients not to have an fps drop because they get big-sized data
  3. What actually happens - You kicked for being timed out
  4. Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native) - Native(TriggerLatentClientEvent)
  5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s) -

The code below simulates sending a song buffer

buffer = {}
for i = 1, 1024 * 1024 * 10 do buffer[i] = i end
TriggerLatentClientEvent("test", serverId, 1024*1024*2, buffer)

So basically, I’m trying to send a song file to the clients, which cannot be downloaded beforehand as the song is required by a player who can choose whatever song file he likes (with limits, as for file size and length). So I’m using TriggerClientEventLatent to perform this action without having everyone have a serious lag. The results are that it is timing out everyone that receives this event. I’ve attached a code to simulate a song file data and send it to a client with the same amount of bytes as a real song that timing out.

I’m not sure if this high a value works with the current implementation. It might be a better idea to use resource file sets for large data like sound files, if predefined, or directly expose data via HTTP in NUI if not predefined.