Welcome to TriCounty Roleplay
Looking for something new? Maybe you want a serious 18+ Whitelisted community where you don’t have to grind daily just to make a few bucks? Look no further.
Here at TriCounty, we are putting a heavy focus on not only a realistic economy, but also a good roleplay experience. We take pride in our Community and listen to all suggestions and feedback we receive from players.
We are currently approaching the final stages of development and will be moving to Beta here soon where we can have players test our economy and make changes/suggestions based on the feedback from you.
Server Previews
18+ Whitelisted | Advanced Medical, Phone, Housing, Drugs and Mechanic Scripts
State Troopers, San Andreas Fire & Rescue, DOJ
Businesses | Gangs | Real Estate | Mechanics
Qbox Framework | 10+ Civilian Jobs | Fishing, Hunting, Mining
In anticipation for our Beta Release, we need the below positions filled. If you are interested, join and submit a ticket with your proposal on what makes you the ideal person to start.
Community Manager
- Acts in the best interest of the Community by voicing concerns or feedback from players on the status of the server (economy, criminal vs legal payouts, etc.)
- Professional, Mature, 21+
- Responsible for providing Monthly Updates to the Community about progress and changes (not related to Development)
- Facilitating Community engagement with Movie Nights, Game Nights, Events, Giveaways, etc.
- Knowledge of FiveM and the ability to use server administration tools
- Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to make quick decisions in high-pressure situations
- Availability to be active, especially during peak periods
- Experience in server administration is preferred but not required
- Reports directly to the Server Management
Server Recruiter
- Responsible for advertising and bringing people into the community
- Monitoring and tracking Server Insights and Retention
- Professional, Mature, 21+
- Reports directly to Server Management
Other Deparments Needed
- Department of Justice (Chief Justice, Public Defenders, District Attorney)
- State Troopers (Command filled but we need Troopers!)
- Fire & Resucue (Command filled but we need Paramedics)
- Real Estate (we have an advanced housing script and need someone to run it)
Join Our Discord: TriCounty Roleplay