TPZ-CORE Framework

Hello RedM Community,

I introduce you a new Framework Base which is under development and will be released soon as beta version and when its ready, to be used on your old or new future servers.

The Framework is under development as i mention above, but because i am publishing scripts while making it (based on this framework), i want my work to be known, so they won’t be claiming the scripts as theirs, reselling or any reasons.

The base (script), inventory and many other scripts have not yet published for the reasons above and will only be published when the Framework will be ready for Beta testing (Most likely around February-March).

The real question is what does this Framework offer?

The most clean and advanced (premium) public scripts will be provided for those who use the Framework (Of course people can always modify the scripts for the frameworks they are using), but in most cases, we will provide that for you.

Core Basic Knowledge

  1. (4) Total types of currencies: Dollars, Cents, Blackmoney and Gold.

  2. Advanced death system which is supported by Pigeon Alerts. A script that you have to buy a trained pigeon for alerting doctors when you are unconscious (Pigeon Alerts also allows you to call this pigeon when not being dead, to alert a medic, police, horse trainers, or anything you want to add in the configuration file) and of course, it has its own UI for writing your note.

  3. Restart Management System which allows you to kick the players properly before every restart and prevent them from joining.

  4. Respawn items remove system (Accounts, Inventory Contents).

  5. Admin Commands with Groups Support (Includes Teleports, Inventory Items, Inventory Weapons, Healing).

  6. Webhooks based on every command (Tips can also be modified).

  7. Real time updates, no need to reconnect from the game to load the new job, everything is automatically updated and loaded to the scripts.

Many more that you will see by time…

Characters creation & Selection.

  1. Character Selection is a unique system which allows you to create 1-3 characters (configurable), write a character backstory and display them by the uploaded images.

  2. Character Creation (Providing you the most important, such as general customizations, face overlays, ageing, makeup, clothing).

The most advanced Inventory System which contains the following:

  1. Inventory Design, lot of people have requested this design for their frameworks, but it has been successfully implemented on our Framework.

  2. Weight System (NOT LIMIT).

  3. durability for items which makes the items to be not-stackable since they contain unique metadata.

  4. durability for weapons, ^^.

  5. serial numbers for weapons.

  6. Secondary container support (warehouses, etc) which is easy to be used in other scripts, especially for developers.

  7. Handling metadata on dropping, giving or storing without issues and all data will be successfully retrieved.

  8. TPZ Inventory Trading which prevents giving items to players without asking, it creates a trading system for them to trade with and even add a cost.

  9. Unique Weapons & Ammo Handling (Primary, Secondary) and an option to select the ammo type of your choice.

  10. Weapons automatically equipped if the player left and had Primary and Secondary as set (Including ammo and ammo type).

Many more…

Advanced HUD and Metabolism

  1. Supports TP Leveling which is a utility script to be used by your developers (Includes: Lumberjack, Mining, Fishing, Hunting & Farming Leveling Types).

  2. Minimap Design.

  3. Thirst, Hunger, Stress & Salty Chat Support / Not and most important, a temperature system which is handled from metabolism.

Many more…


We are providing you a free society script which handles everything inside for your societies.

  1. Billing System which is also supported by (Banking, Paying bills directly from the bank).

  2. Duty Toggle System (Contains also an option for toggling off-duty automatically from the system when player joins).

  3. Players Management (Job Members)

  4. Salary System which is also supported by (Banking, receiving your salary from the society ledger into the default bank account).

Many more…


  1. Advanced UI Design.

  2. Supports items which can open specific crafting recipes (Different from personal crafting, for fisherman’s, etc).

  3. Crafting Books handle metadata, what does that mean? It means that this book, when unlocking recipes, those recipes are unlocked on this crafting book and if you lose or give this crafting book, the other player will be able to read those recipes.

  4. Blueprints System - Unlocking recipes by reading blueprints.

  5. Recipe can require a blueprint, modify its metadata, its serial number (if weapon), modify the required ingredients and all the actions based on that recipe (We don’t want to call it “crafting” if the player is cooking).

  6. Crafting recipes can have images, displaying a recipe with its image is optional.

  7. A recipe if set as cookable, it will require closest objects (such as campfire, furnace) in order to cook food and perform a scenario or animation.

  8. Multiple Locations based on the jobs and categories you want the players to access crafting recipes.

Many more…

Unfortunately, i cannot share the whole Framework base because it would be endless, but this is an idea of what we offer, if you click the links, you can also see the screenshots of what we provide to you, not only words and of course, to see how the scripts are written in order to have an idea.

My goal and hopefully our future team’s goal, will always be to provide you the best scripts for your server and provide you (hopefully) everything to work on.

For those who are interested, we welcome you to the Framework and we need your support when its time to publish it out in the RedM Community!

Any feedback is always welcome!

Join Our Community

Github Repositories: Github
Documentation (Developers Knowledge) : Gitbook


My friend did a good job again :heart:


Thank you so much !!! :clap:

Nice job! Keep up the good work!

1 Like

Thank you Milyon!!! :handshake: Appreciate it!

So I am following this Core for a while now.
Quality and effort are very high here.

If you are thinking about upgrading your server, creating good scripts for a solid framework or starting a RedM RP server, you should join the discord and check what is so far possible with this framework.
Trust me it will be worth the while.

And yes, I am kinda bias cause I am a Supporter on this Discord :wink:

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Thank you for supporting our core and our community!

We welcome you all to give it a try when the Framework will be released, we won’t disappoint you, that’s the only thing for sure.

Great framework and an aesthetically pleasing foundation, but consider integrating a more expressive Discord framework into your post and removing the phone number verification in Discord.

Unfortunately as far i am aware, CFX does not allow to add discord links, it is not allowed.

I have removed phone verification.

Thank you for your kind words!!

You are amazing!

1 Like

Thank you! Doing my best always!

I have a quick question, what happened to the files for the TPZ-characters select?

They said it has been pulled. It is being reworked.

Oh alright

I will post the resources when the framework is ready, thats why those scripts have not yet uploaded, including inventory.