Towing Script without ES

Can someone show me how to make a towing script that doesn’t require Essential Mode? Is there already one out that I haven’t seen yet? Any help is appreciated, Thanks!

Im not sure the tow script name is, download that and go into sv_tow and replace it with:

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, name, msg)
	sm = stringsplit(msg, " ");

	if sm[1] == "/tow" then
		TriggerClientEvent('pv:tow', source)


function stringsplit(self, delimiter)
	local a = self:Split(delimiter)
	local t = {}
	for i = 0, #a - 1 do
		table.insert(t, a[i])
	return t

The towscript has just been updated to work without ES and for FX server.

You do not need a towing script. Spawn in the normal gta tow trucks. The ones with the tow hitch and drive up to the front or back of the car. It will connect and raise and lower with the ctrl and shift key and to release by holding h key

do you realise how bad those tow trucks are, they unhook as soon as you hook

I use them in my job script for our repair guy and i find them reliable. It takes alot for them to un hook

Mine unhooks straight away