

Replacing blips on the minimap


Add ToTT-Minimaps in your “resources” map

Start the script in your server.cfg “-start ToTT-Minimap”

You have full acces to edit the files but just keep the name of the script plz <3

ToTT-Minimap.rar (391.5 KB)



I know this is for swedes but make the post english so everyone understands. Neat little thing for people who cant figure it out how to do it themselves.

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Thanks for the feedback! The post is made for the swedish comunity of RP, and not english becuase it’s only swedish blips, how ever do you wan’t to edit the blips you can open the .ytd file in openiv, export the file you wan’t to edit then replace it again! <3

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Im well aware but the forum is english so the majority of people looking for help or amusement can understand whats being posted here. :slight_smile:

Moved to #development:releases

Also: a zip file for a Github repository?! That’s the total opposite of what version control is for. I suggest you upload the non compressed files to Github so that others can easily see the files and you can keep your files updated more easily through the use of version control.

You may as well upload it straight to the forum if you don’t want to use Github properly.

cool good job m8

What number is the swedish sprites? can’t seem to find the right number for them

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ive added this but still have the regular blips?

how to upload my blips?


How to make them bigger?

Amazing finding! Works like a charm with my own icons

I opened the file .ytd with openIV :

in inside if I understood correctly, we can choose the icon to desire in stream blips … But I think it is necessary to create or have a script (blips) to configure the coordinates blips, in order to tell fivem, where we want to put icon in map.
it’s ok , is right? there are no coordinates just blips HUD in inside files?

thank you for the stream map he is cool…:upside_down_face:

how to change the icon ?

Open the .YTD in openiv and export it

and know what must i do ?

Can you pass me the base image of the default blips so I can edit them to my liking and that they are not edited?


Same issue, did this way change or we just need to make our own textures and import them ?

Thank you!

It seems that the image is broken somehow.
I create new file with blips and it works perfectly, size should always be 1024 x 1024

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What exactly did you do as my blips go a dark very dark colour even with just the original one the guy uses :smiley:

Same for me

Change the blip color in the script you are using, in the client file (sometimes in the config).

SetBlipColour([coordinates], 0)

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