[TOOL] Remove background of anything!

This script is standalone, no framework needed to use this

Great tool to use for getting rid of the background. I personally use it to get rid of vehicle backgrounds for my vehicle shop since I use custom vehicles, but you can also use it for weapons, clothing, basically anything. Works fine for basically anything.

Uses ImgBB API and Remove.bg API, both are free and you can get free API keys which are required for this script

Trigger taking a screenshot with a command,
Wait for the image to be uploaded and background removed,
Once complete, the image link is automatically copied to your clipboard
Save the image and use wherever you need it!

*Added scale option to upscale the main object of the image


| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 200 |
| Requirements | screenshot-basic |
| Support | Yes |

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nice one, any preview?

whats the difference between your tool and remove.bg?

Price :joy:


21€ I use this best Remove Background from Image for Free – remove.bg

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Erease.bg A better and free option


This works the best for me, just make sure you have a clean background for it to work the best


the difference is that you don’t have to do anything manually. You type a command, this script takes a screenshot of your screen and you get the image with no background on your clipboard.

but for 20$ usd, i think ill just take the extra step then waste my money

just bought this, doesnt work.

when i do the command, alls that copies to the clipboard is “https://” which takes me no where.

@smud - Please see above…

there is a lot of ai website that do it free I don’t see any reason to buy your product

like this website:

Hi, as mentioned in the product page, please contact me for any issues regarding using or installing this script!

You MUST specify API keys for the script to work correctly. In index.js, the first 2 lines. You need to specify an imgbb api key and a removebg api key, both available for free at:


Please read the description next time, all of this is written in the product description.

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Hi, my product automates the process. While in the server, you simply type a command and you get an imgbb link to your screenshot with no background directly in your clipboard!

yup sorry, that was my bad - the links provided worked and its much easier having an automated way of doing this.

(now if only it could auto do all vehicles and save the img link as the spawncode… my life would be complete lmao).

One thing we noticed was the image quality was a little blurry, is that something
we can change or is that just how the imagebb takes in the file. Not the worst but heres an example:

Seems like your camera was very zoomed out and in index.js you specified a big zoom-in scale coeficient.

Line 3 in index.js scales the subject relative to the total image size. Can be any value from “10%” to “100%”, or “original” (default).

Please make sure your camera is as close to the vehicle as possible by using “V” to change camera modes, results should be much greater than this. It’s not related to imgbb.

yea we have started figuring out the tool - took a few tries and testing but we got it down now.

Only issue now is the friggin 50 picture limit on remove.bg api - before it costs.
We have 2200 vehicles… its gunna take a bit of money at 25 cents per picture, assuming we dont mess up and have to redo one. xD.

you can keep creating free accounts ;p

Lol ya that’s what we did. Almost 1000 pictures of our 2200 done. This tool definitely saves time… but it’s still a long time to complete due to the amount of cars we have xD.

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