[TOOL] Duplicated vehicle tuning kit ID finder

Mest3r Duplicated Tuning Kit ID Finder

Hi! This is a simple windows and linux compatible python code that scans the carcols.meta files in the cars folder.

If the cars are scattered in your resources folder, you can also choose the resources folder when selecting a folder, but that is the less optimized solution. If the code finds a duplicate tuning ID, it will print the ID and the location of the carcols.meta files.

I know there are many solutions to this little problem, such as using VSCode to open the folder with the vehicles in it, and then you can search in all the threads, but I think this is more convenient (at least for me, I’m sure) so I tought that I will publish this for you all.





Do we know if there is a limit on total modkit tuning id’s on the server?

To the best of my knowledge 1024 is the upper limit for tuning kit ids, but I’m not sure. I’m almost sure that some years ago I have read a lower limit of tuning kit IDs, but some GTA updates put the limit higher.

Need something like this for duplicated Handlings in the handling.meta’s. We’ve been working to clean up a lot of stuff and found some of our older addon and replacement vehicles that have their own handling, have handling files with all vehicles in them and just edited the appropriate one but the devs didn’t take all the others out of the file.


Hi! Can you try this? I put it together quickly so I haven’t tested it much, so I don’t know if it finds all the duplicated handlings.

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Probably up to 2000

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You are amazing. From what I can tell, this worked perfectly!

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Thanks! I’m happy to hear that! :heart:

Hello everyone, can someone explain to me what these files are? Thanks. I found some duplicates.

If there’s 2 vehicle with the same tuning kit ID, then you can’t tuning those vehicles. All vehicle needs a different tuning kit ID… carcols.meta files mainly to set vehicle tuning behaviors and siren behaviors if needed. This is not an accurate description of what the file is about, but it’s pretty much the general gist.

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Thank you man for the reply!

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love you bruh ! Thanks for release

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very useful thing

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Sorry if this sound idiot but, this ids count from vanillas cars too? Or just from addons?

I love how it works if you don’t have too many add-on cars. I have 200+ add-on vehicles, but the script crashes if I scan them all at once. I can split them into groups of 50 add-on vehicles, but it’s pointless if I split them into groups. Is there a way to make it work for that many add-on vehicles? Great work anyway.

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Hey there!
I have pushed a new update, and created a new release (V2.1.0). I have optimized the code, etc. I have tested it with 200+ vehicles, it should work now. I have added error handling too, so if you still have problems with it, please send me the error.
Have a nice day!

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Wow thank you for the swift uptdate!

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fantastic idea, i’ve been hoping someone would do this for so long now!
does this also affect the carvariatons.meta? i tried running it on all of the addon cars for my server, and now almost nothing has a functioning modkit, which worries me considering everyone else seems to be having good luck with it… that was, honestly, the only thing i could think of that could be causing it.