I gladly present to you TJ5 - Crafting
Enhance your FiveM server with our Crafting Menu script, allowing players to craft various items through an intuitive interface. You can easily customize crafting recipes, defining which items can be made and the materials required.
See for yourself:
Config file
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
tj = {}
tj.use_tjnotify = false
tj.progressbar = false -- more info in line 11
function drawprogbar(label, time)
if tj.progressbar then
exports['progressBars']:startUI(label, time) -- replace this with your export / function; label = text and time = time. Make sure to turn on progressbar line 7 (default off)
tj.zones = {
pillboxcrafting = { -- very important to change this name
name = 'Mazebank', -- label(name) of the zone
coords = vector3(-75.020317077637,-819.75799560547,326.17517089844), -- coords of the zone
marker = true, -- should there be a marker?
markeroptions = {
type = 2, -- marker types. Can be found on: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
sizex = 1.5, -- marker size
sizey = 1.5, -- marker size
sizez = 1.5, -- marker size
r = 255, -- red value (marker color)
g = 0, -- green value (marker color)
b = 0, -- blue value (marker color)
a = 100, -- alpha value (opacity)
rotate = true, -- should the marker rotate?
ped = false, -- should there be a ped/npc?
pedoptions = {
model = 'a_f_m_beach_01', -- ped model. Can be found on: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
heading = 100.0, -- ped heading
blip = true, -- should there be a blip/symbol on the map?
blipoptiones = {
sprite = 1, -- blip type. Can be found on: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
color = 1, -- colour of the blip. Can be found on: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
name = 'Crafting', -- name of the blip
availableitems = { -- you can add the items which you can craft in that zone here
cannabis = { -- item name of the final item -- important!
reqitems = { -- list all items which u need to craft the items here
bread = 2, -- itemname and the amount of the items
water = 10,
fixkit = 1,
anim = false, -- should an animation be played while crafting
animdic = 'anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle', -- animation dictionary
ainmname = 'gang_chatting_idle01', -- animation name
scenario = true, -- if you want to use a scenario instead you have to turn off animations
scenarioname = 'PROP_HUMAN_PARKING_METER', -- scenario name
crafttime = 20 * 1000, -- time needed to craft the item
giveamount = 1, -- the amount you get of the item you are crafting
water = { -- item name of the final item -- important!
reqitems = { -- list all items which u need to craft the items here
bread = 2, -- itemname and the amount of the items
fixkit = 1,
anim = false, -- should an animation be played while crafting
animdic = 'anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle', -- animation dictionary
ainmname = 'gang_chatting_idle01', -- animation name
scenario = true, -- if you want to use a scenario instead you have to turn off animations
scenarioname = 'PROP_HUMAN_PARKING_METER', -- scenario name
crafttime = 20 * 1000, -- time needed to craft the item
giveamount = 10, -- the amount you get of the item you are crafting
water = { -- item name of the final item -- important!
reqitems = { -- list all items which u need to craft the items here
bread = 2, -- itemname and the amount of the items
fixkit = 1,
anim = false, -- should an animation be played while crafting
animdic = 'anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle', -- animation dictionary
ainmname = 'gang_chatting_idle01', -- animation name
scenario = true, -- if you want to use a scenario instead you have to turn off animations
scenarioname = 'PROP_HUMAN_PARKING_METER', -- scenario name
crafttime = 20 * 1000, -- time needed to craft the item
giveamount = 10, -- the amount you get of the item you are crafting
Key features:
- Ingame GUI
- Easy config
- markers
- peds
- blips
- animations
Resource monitor while idle (0ms):
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~400 |
Requirements | ESX |
Support | Yes |
Price: 9.95 + tax
Get the script at: https://tj5-dev.tebex.io/package/6168674
Thanks for reading! I’m looking forward to your feedback.