Tire Repair Kit [QBCORE, ESX]

Tire Repair Kit [QBCORE, ESX]

This script is unlike any other, with a highly customizable config file that allows you to fine-tune the script to your exact preferences. Whether you want to adjust the repair rate, the cost of repairs, or even the colours of the repair kit itself, this script has got you covered.

Additionally the script is also fully optimized for Onesync and Onesync Infinity support, making it the perfect choice for those looking for a seamless multiplayer experience. You can count on the script to work flawlessly in any situation, whether you’re playing with just a few friends or on a busy server with dozens of other players.

And best of all, this script is built on the powerful QBCore/ESX framework, meaning it’s both reliable and easy to use. With a sleek and intuitive interface, you can quickly and easily repair your tires with just a few clicks, without having to worry about complicated commands or confusing menus.


In the showcase I did not show but you also have the ability to toggle through the config to only repair the closest tire if you choose to prefer that.


  • QBCore Framework or ESX Framework
  • Onesync/Onesync Infinity support. (I tested on gamebuild 2545 and Onesync Infinity.)
  • Uses the FiveM Tebex Escrow system.
  • Fully and easily configurable
  • Very easy to follow guide and Item images included
  • Config Image V1.1

Showcase: YouTube video
Purchase here: Tebex
Open Source purchase here: Tebex

Code is accessible Yes if you get OpenSource (You still get config though if you don’t get OpenSource)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 255 + 8 for Config
Requirements QBCore Framework or ESX Framework, QB-Lock
Support Yes

You’re joking, right? 20 bucks or 126 lines of code that can easily be released for free?

1 Like

I guess you could say “highly customizable” with this config considering there is next to nothing you can config with this kind of script.
And I have to agree with the person above. Nearly 20$ or even 50$ for the open version? Ooof.
Consider lowering the price to at least 1/5th but more like 1/10th of what it is right now.

That being said:
What happens if someone is sitting inside the vehicle while you repair the tire? Did you test that?


The tire will still be repaired as long as the person who repaired it hops into the car afterwards

Additionally I have reduced the price thank you for the feedback I really do appreciate it!

I have adjusted the price thanks to your feedback thank youu!

['puncturekit'] 			 = {['name'] = 'puncturekit', 			['label'] = 'Puncture Repair Kit', 		['weight'] = 2000, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'puncturekit.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A small kit of rubber repair and patches to fix a deflated vehicle tyres.'},
local function PunctureKit(veh)
	SetVehicleIndicatorLights(veh, 1, true)
	SetVehicleIndicatorLights(veh, 0, true)
	QBCore.Functions.Progressbar("repair_vehicle", Lang:t("progress.puncturekit_veh"), math.random(25000, 35000), false, true, {
		disableMovement = true,
		disableCarMovement = true,
		disableMouse = false,
		disableCombat = true,
	}, {
		animDict = "anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@",
		anim = "machinic_loop_mechandplayer",
		flags = 33,
	}, {}, {}, function() -- Done
		StopAnimTask(PlayerPedId(), "anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@", "machinic_loop_mechandplayer", 1.0)
		SetVehicleTyreFixed(veh, 0)
		SetVehicleTyreFixed(veh, 1)
		SetVehicleTyreFixed(veh, 2)
		SetVehicleTyreFixed(veh, 3)
		SetVehicleTyreFixed(veh, 4)
		SetVehicleTyreFixed(veh, 5)
		SetVehicleIndicatorLights(veh, 1, false)
		SetVehicleIndicatorLights(veh, 0, false)

		TriggerServerEvent('qb-vehiclefailure:removeItem', "puncturekit")
		TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:GainStress', math.random(3, 6))
	end, function() -- Cancel
		StopAnimTask(PlayerPedId(), "mini@repair", "fixing_a_player", 1.0)
		QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t("error.failed_notification"), "error")


just do some edits on qb-vehiclefailure


Then why don’t you just do that if you wish I’ve done it my own way since I didn’t know about that and now are selling it since I’m not doing it for free

Saved me 10, thanks

We all do lol that’s why we are wondering why you released a paid script that’s in qb-core by default


I honestly made this script ages ago if you were to check the date the files were created you could see that but yeah it does appear that this script is now widely available which at the time was unaware of.

I’m not egocentric enough to claim that this script is entirely stolen from one of my free scripts that I released a while ago, but strangely enough, you made the exact same “English error” as I did in your config file:

Of course, I could be mistaken (even though the DestroyChange variable is even more peculiar), but I believe no one appreciates seeing a paid script containing a significant amount of code taken from a free script. I hope I’m wrong, and you can clarify this situation. :thinking:

It’s definitely not I also was mistaken and though tire was spelt that way :joy: through out the code some is spelt correctly and others not since there was no point in changing it

Also in my config it is spelt correctly?

Can it be used with him? kq-wheeldamage
It’s just a script that makes the wheels fall off, if the wheels fall off you don’t know if this script can make it repair the wheels

If they do fall off as you say you’ll then be able to use the tire repair kit to repair it