Timed out after 10 seconds

GTA V version? Latest GTA V version
Up to date? Yes, totally updated
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Steam
Windows version? Windows 10 Pro
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? Yes
Error screenshot (if any) https://i.imgur.com/jFch6vk.jpg
System specifications i5 4th gen, GTX 1060, 8gb ram
What did you do to get this issue? Nothing
What server did you get this issue on? Every server, pretty much
CitizenFX.log file No idea how to find this
.dmp files/report IDs No idea how to get it

So, basically, on pretty much every server after a while playing I get dropped from it followed by a message saying: “Timed out after 10 seconds”, I have no idea why on Earth this is happening, my connection is not THAT bad and even when it’s stable on every game that I play, I still occasionally get that error, it is extremely frustrating and is the only thing holding me back from playing FiveM since I can’t progress in any RP server dealing with the fact that I can be disconnected in ten minutes, thirty minutes, one hour or even multiple hours of gaming.

I hope someone relates to my issue and actually come up with a way to fix it, it’s very frustrating.

This happends to me to.

I need HELP with this too

Still waiting for any sort of help…

We might be still waiting for the rest of the support template.

Some information is just not relevant at all to my case, is that how it goes around here? An extremely common issue goes unanswered because of irrelevant information not being filled up?

More relevant information being ignored.

I cant see your directories to see if there is anything out of place or something of the sort.

No log files…

But i guess that could be irelevant information.

Try one of the servers pinned at the top of the list. If your joining rp servers with hundreds of resources on top of a shit ton of addon vehicles, that would be the problem.

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