This week in FiveM: August 22, 2018

And it’s time for yet another weekly status update. This one’ll be a bit shorter and more brief.


  • The documentation reorganization continued, and a few new articles were written. Go guys!
  • The server build boxes are back and a few new server builds were built. It’s not known if they work, so tread with caution. They include a few bug fixes that were also in the client. Yaay, bugs.
    • This means that OneSync development can probably continue soon. Expect more #hate tests, you darn haters!
  • There were more bug fixes:
    • Close connections when a deferred connection gets canceled by the user. This was requested, it seems.
    • Fix parsing of UTF-8 character sequences in CoreConsole argument parsing. As a consequence, RegisterCommand can now handle UTF-8 sequences like everyone’s beloved :eggplant: in args as well, not just rawCommand.
    • Set thread names on Linux for debugging.
    • Increase fwMapTypesStore because someone hid a Max Payne 3 map in the LC server apparently. We’re not sure why, but this happened.
    • Fix Node.js calls from a Citizen callback context not being invoked until another Node.js callback. This was contributed by @blcd, and should finally allow using of Node.js network libraries on the server. Just sayin’.
    • While @blcd was at it, he also fixed some other edge case in the JS runtime. See, open source is better.
    • Some entity deletion bug fix got pushed to production. It technically doesn’t count as it’s from last week but people should finally not have randomly disappearing entities anymore from right under their butts.
    • Some fixes with download progress indicators that should speed up initial resource downloads.
  • Some development happened on integration of proper script development tools. Not remotely close to done or publishable. A shame, kinda. :frowning:
  • We had some downtime, it got fixed, good old cases of ‘configuration breaks under load, and you have to change it to get everything working again’.
  • There was meant to be some statement here about a common misconception about the FiveM networking model, but it disappeared. :hamburger:

All in all, a boring week.


This is specifically a fix for queue systems. You weren’t able to tell if someone DCed from the queue until they closed their game. For example, they cancel joining and join another server.


I hate onesync so much that I want to test it :rage: (or join a server that has OneSync prototype enabled… do they still exist? :thinking:)


I can spin up a server but I can’t say I’ll see you there :wink:

Aside, great work :snail:'s

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night be a placebo effect… but i do see some improvements with new server builds

KEEP UP GOOD WORK :grinning:

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yes good very nice


Snail approves


Boring but productive. :wink:


WOW! You meninist fucks!


Of course a boring week for you guys has still seen decent progress, good job!

Can you add all the new vehicles in game

Ooohhh, Updates. Great work guys. And Gals

Is it possible to make these biweekly instead of weekly?

@blcd - Is this supposed to be triggering playerDropped? playerDropped was triggering a week ago when deferred users canceled out of playerConnecting event but does not appear to be working this week.

@anders No, player dropped hasn’t been called on defer cancel since the new defer system. Instead you need to check the players LastMsg or Endpoint to check that they are still connected. You can find an example of this done in ConnectQueue(search for LastMsg to see how it handles timeouts). This change isn’t live yet though so this won’t work just yet. For now, after calling defer done, DC the player if they haven’t loaded in after X minutes. That’s really the only work around for now.

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Thanks @blcd - Checking for the null endpoint solved this as a workaround :slight_smile: