i bought this server from https://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com
on dedicated ip addres
host is located in Warsaw (Poland)
why it isn’t working ?
This indicates you are using a provider that is blacklisted since it sells (or has sold in the past) preconfigured FiveM game servers.
If you have a VPS or dedicated server, send an email to pr@fivem.net
with screenshots and proof that you have root access in the terminal/console
how long i must wait to get replay ?
screen of this console (inside) ?
A screenshot of your console while SSHing into the machine that shows you are on the root account.
it’s my first server and i don’t have idea where i can see this.
if you could explain me this i would be very happy.
What OS does this server have? Windows, Linux?
Google how to SSH if it’s linux.
What are the exact specs of your server? Is it a dedicated server, VPS or game server?
Yea, this is not going to work.
You don’t have a VPS or Dedicated Server. You have a Game Server as indicated in this screenshot.
You are going to have to talk to your provider to get a refund. They are not allowed to sell game servers. The only party able to do that is zap hosting.
To host your own server you have a couple of options
- Home host
- Rent a VPS
- Rent a Dedicated Server
- Rent a preconfigured server from ZAP Hosting
okay thanks for information, but i think i won’t get a refund.
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