The Park RP | Player Driven Economy | Persistent Camps | Crafting | Moonshining



Howdy Cowpoke! The new RP server ‘The Park’ is now available to join.

Enjoy a jank free experience in our server that mirrors the original RDO experience and extends gameplay allowing players to survive in the wilderness and drive the server economy.

Players are able to setup camps wherever they please. Pitching a tent will allow them to rise from the dead back at camp if they run across a bunch of bandits or angry beasts. Cut down some trees and mine some rocks for flint to start a fire. With this fire you can begin to cook food and craft items. The items you make can be sold to general stores and gun shops, with stores relying on crafted items to increase stock levels.

Any time a player buys or sells an item from a store its stock level will change. So players are needed to craft, sell and buy items to drive the server economy. But be wary, if you die you will drop your items allowing other players to loot your satchel, so crafting a lockable chest at your camp is vital.

Our drag and drop storage chests make it easy to save your valuables and keep them safe from outlaws. You could also use the bank as an alternative but they do have a habit of being robbed. So if you’ve been run out of town and are looking for a fresh start, come and test your survival skills at The Park RP.

We are also looking for staff and players to fill specific key roles, if you are interested in being involved with the management of the server please contact me directly.

Recently added to the server:

  • Moonshining (Craft a Still and start distilling)
  • General Store Delivery Jobs
  • Fishing
  • Supply based item prices
  • Donkeys
  • Massive amount of the latest clothing items
  • Bartender Job at Valentine Saloon
  • Quick Add/remove clothing items menu
  • Player Robberies (Rob other players and take their items).
  • General Store Robberies.

AustinBMX Feature on The Park RP


Our newly appointed Lawmen Colt & Henry take stock of the transport situation in Valentine.

Whilst waiting for the horse racing event to begin Patty gets a little antsy and busts into his favorite jig.

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Samantha and Colt bring a crew together for some horse games for the Giddy Up Jump event day on The Park RP Server. Follow Patty on the day as he rides with Colt and Hernandez to Emerald Ranch.

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A quick demonstration of our new store robbery system, if no law enforcement are on the server you will still need to deal with some Bounty Hunters.

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New Moonshining script coming soon!

Patty rounds up the gang to deliver bank bonds to St Dennis, the bankers are demanding Valentine pays its taxes. Meanwhile a Militia is formed to drive bandits out of Armadillo, will they succeed or meet their demise? Who knows…

Mr Marcos leads a rag tag bunch of traders to go and make a deal for some Burros in Mexico. They are met with many challenges on the way especially when they reach the bandit town of Armadillo!