The Cayo Perico Island Available for FiveM

i am having a big issue with the water some areas the water go on land when waves go by does anyone know how to fix it

you need to scroll up to the top of the forum and download PolyZone.

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@Hai_tux hey i really appreciate your work, could you please put this message from @d0p3t in the discription? It really helped me out and i think it may help others.

[d0p3t [External Moderator]

Yes, just call SetDeepOceanScaler(0.0) once in a client script (inside a thread of course)


I have it on my test server and it is all the way on the bottom, I have tried changing the cords client side but it did not work, instead it disappears, I an trying to get it close to the city but not to close that people can walk on it, lol. close enough that people can fly to it. In need of water cords, just reply with a working water placement cord.

Hi, Itā€™s my first time posting in FiveM, Iā€™m a city owner with very little knowledge. And I would love to have Cayo Perico in my City. so, I would like to thank @Hai_tux making this possible.

A tiny contribution to this project I have recorded the coords of the invisible objects / collision on the map, Iā€™m sure I didnā€™t get them all, but hoping this helps.

@Hai_tux can you please remove these hidden objects / collision in the island? I do hope this is not too much to askā€¦ Thanks a lot!

4919.34 -4910.67 3.38
4901.66 -4931.61 3.36
4897.81 -4934.08 3.37
4894.46 -4939.93 3.36
4900.03 -4941.62 3.38
4888.46 -4950.28 3.37
4900.34 -4930 3.37
4909.28 -4916.56 3.37
4884.76 -4908.68 3.37
4919.66 -4910.82 3.38
5007.54 -4550.41 8.8
4964.08 -4514.07 8.65
5005.25 -4553.38 8.75
5559.57 -5211.35 13.9
5571.53 -5234.54 14.82
5558.29 -5233.4 13.95
5459.16 -5291.17 21.4
5430.85 -5381.79 36.43
5399.3 -5410.45 43.09
5366.05 -5420.31 48.52
5358.53 -5415.56 49.49
5361.78 -5425.64 48.83
5358.46 -5425.87 49.16
5350.52 -5424.49 49.3
5353.64 -5421.67 49.3
5357.27 -5428.24 50.02
5393.27 -5422.07 44.52
5419.94 -5132.19 13.37
5357.73 -5475.33 51.95
5396.76 -5423.76 44.34
5399.97 -5422.75 43.98
5406.43 -5417.29 45.7
5412.46 -5408.69 41.66
5437.15 -5364.71 33.72
5406.63 -5417.21 42.86
5367.87 -5462.14 50.64
5328.88 -5538.86 55.16
5326.13 -5543.92 55.88
5320.7 -5557.41 59.14
5323.3 -5556.39 58.94
5325.28 -5563.5 60.95
5326.2 -5599.11 65.14
5335.31 -5551.46 57.17
5391.09 -5724.62 40.22
5386.74 -5698.59 44.12
5457.96 -5740.51 31.14
5193.95 -5505.29 47.47
5166.23 -5489.2 49.59
5064.77 -5591.88 33.16
5140.98 -5577.82 40.1
5211.05 -5527 46.74
4897.83 -5771.39 25.91
4929 -5704.83 22.89
4922.05 -5805.61 23.86
4929.03 -5704.93 22.88
5016.04 -5656.81 20.26
4997.64 -5637.95 21.65
4974.81 -5513.29 30.17
4979.33 -5530.38 28.9
4975.16 -5489.65 3145
4979.97 -5470.56 32.62
4978.67 -5472.49 32.46
4980.23 -5464.32 33.03
4882.75 -5418.76 17.54
5164.53 -5225.72 7.33
5162.66 -5068.13 3.37
5154.35 -4995.21 11.2
5156.44 -4988.44 12.05
5176.19 -4984.97 13.88
5242.42 -5058.78 15.12
5248.28 -5069.94 15.38


if you want to move the island, you donā€™t do it client sideā€¦ you do it server side. and you need

Moving the island will result in interiors not being lined up. Youā€™ll have to figure that out yourself.

Is this only for Local server ? when i saw installation tuto they all go into computer File. How to do it into online server ?

(iā€™m new to the serve thing etc, i own a rp server ans try to add the island to it, so be gentle if my question is stupid :stuck_out_tongue: )

There is a slight issue with using the ybn-ymap mover thoā€¦ It does not copy the mlo instances over

image im getting this

ā€œMoving the island will result in interiors not being lined up. Youā€™ll have to figure that out yourself.ā€

Yeah :disappointed:

Who has also really long loading to server after add this resource?

I followed this post: The Cayo Perico Island Available for FiveM - #693 by blazin23 - Releases - Community

And now my load times are down to around 40 seconds (they were over 2 mins before that)

It really sucks too because when I had moved the physical Island to BC it ran alot better

i hate when ppl dont explain stuff lol, so it looks like their are map cache files with the dlcā€¦ thats where mpheist4_cache_y.dat came from, their under

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bonjours moi perso sa ne fonctionne pas jā€™ai tout essayer en vin

for me it do nothning :frowning: same as befor , like 2 minutes loading time

Hey for some reason when I add the map it also adds this in the city where the tunnel entrance should be.

Not sure if it does this anywhere else this is the only location Iā€™ve seen anything like this, any ideas how to fix it?


You can fix it by requesting itā€™s IPL O I believe. Look in bobā€™s code or online.

i notice this is another island behinda the cayo what island is that

those yacht r unfinished?