TGIANN Weapon Attachment (COD inspired)

fivem kopya

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  • Full optimize
  • Easy to use
  • Attachments are saved to database
  • You can adjust the prices as you wish
  • You can adjust the item as you wish
  • You can use it for items or normal weapons
  • Works with addon weapons and attachments
  • Locations can be added
  • UI files editable
  • Language files can be edited
  • Inspired by Call off Duty


  • MySQL or oxmysql
  • ESX or QB
    Note: also this script is compatible with ox_lib

Config File

Editable Files

TGIANN | Weapon Attachment ( 30€
TGIANN Subscription Pack (All TGIANN Scripts 30€/Monthly)
TGIANN | Scripts (

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600+
Requirements Check Requirements
Support Yes

would this work with marko mods/fluffys gun mods?

And does it require items for the modifications?

This is pretty dope!

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You can use the modded weapon you want by adding it to the config file
No items are required to install attachments. Attachments are sold with money

can this be assigned to a job?


open functions are in editable file. you can edit it as you want

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do you sell the script but open source because i want to make a littel change like use items to aply a suppressor and not money

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I agree 100% would love to be able to have items instead of money.


Update 30.11.2022

  • Addead item Support

Does the attachment save on the weapon?


Update 10.12.2022

  • Locations added

Couple of questions?

  • Can you make your own attachments,
    [barrel] - then component name?

I have a marko mods gun, g17. that has parts, modular but could never get its attachments to work right without the use of the menu marko provides.

There are all different types of attachments, grip, stock, barrels and more.

Or are you only limited to what attachments that are native to GTA?

Works with addon weapons and attachments. You just need to edit the config file

curious can you make your own category?
[“frame”] =

Or do i need to follow any of the native attachments.

yes but you need to edit the ui files

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appreciate the heads up, I already swooped getting things set up now.
Thanks for replies

To update on my thoughts on this one; saving to the DB under the player is great; and its something I will use for weapon camos & tints.

However, because of this we wont be able to use this system for weapon attachments. Because the issue is you essentially only have to ever craft your attachments once. I run a RP city; so this saving to the database and not the actual gun means if you lose your gun, either its stolen in RP or police takes your weapon - you only have to get that same gun again and then its instantly filled with all of your attachments.

This script would hit a level of absolute P E R F E C T I O N if the weapon attachment items would save to the GUN, and the camos and tints saved to the PERSON. If you could make this happen @TGIANN - words cant express my happiness on this.

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I save the weapons on the player so that the script is compatible with every system, but save system codes are editable, if you know coding, you can save on the weapon

I agree, Maybe possible suggestion for future update. I dont know enough to switch the coding, unsure if thats open also to edit on escrow. Guessing it is due to his comment.

However, for economy servers on ESX, having the attachments saved to player kinda hurts some of the hustle and grind for having dope weapons.

Outside of that, script is everything I really wanted with weapon customization and simple enough to setup!

Are we able to have the items save the gun and the camos / tint save to the player?