TGIANN House (800+ Buyable House)

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  • Easy Config

  • Full optimized - Sync with all players

  • Clean UI

  • ESX and QB compatible

  • oXinventory compatible (Not required)

  • MySQL and oxmysql compatible

  • 800+ buyable houses

  • Apartment system (

  • Blacklist vehicles for garages

  • Feature to give house keys to other players

  • Feature to invite other players to the house

  • Feature to change the interior of the house

  • 3 different garage sizes (2-6-10 Car slots)

  • Players can own multiple houses and have unlimited keys

  • 5 different interior types (You can add more if you want)

  • Editable house stars

  • Players can own multiple houses and the number of keys is unlimited

  • Feature to set stash size based on house star (Only works in qb)

  • Feature to turn houses blips on and off on the map

  • Using GTA5 Bucket system Routing buckets: split game state – FiveM Cookbook

  • It has been tested with 100 or more players and works without problems.

  • Stash(You can adapt it to your own inventory), wardrobe and notify functions can be edited

  • If you want, you can use it with real estate job

  • Protected using Escrow system


IPL List

Config File

Editable Files


TGIANN | TGIANN House (800+ Buyable House) ( 60€
TGIANN | Scripts (

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2500+
Requirements Check Requirements
Support Yes

so awesome bro!!


its best script for me its cost 74 euro its too expensive :disappointed_relieved:


make sure this price is normal for this script


its very well done ! good job


Does it support MLOs?


yes it supports


sql dont work

Die Preise sind echt der Knaller ! unverschämt ! ich hoffe doch das ihr ein Kleingewerbe habt ! zwecks steuern !

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Contact me direct message for support


this script is by far the best i have seen so far just wow im so amazed great job bro

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is there a way that it can have everything BUT the “buy” -instead it would say “contact a realtor if you are interested in buying” i would like to have it so only realtors can sell the house

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Hey, can I change the garage system to my own? Is it possible so people can rent houses and not only buy?

You cannot make changes as it is protected by the script escrow system.

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First of all nice Script, but i have a few question:

Is it possible to add:

  • Chezzas Inventory System for your Storage System aswell for cooking
  • myGarage for the Housing Garage System
  • rcore for wardrobe

Thanks :slight_smile:

im having an issue, when i try to buy house my screen goes blurry and doesnt do anything and also i have a postal map on the pause menu map, any way to have the houses show on there?

do not change script name
you can use /house command for blips

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so i did change it but i changed it back and im still having the issue, and thanks for the command

contact me for better support TGIANN | Welcome (

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What did i wrong on the installation? When i go Offline an then Joining the server, spawning in the House but i can’t go out.