Tennessee State Roleplay | Realistic & Mature Roleplay | Custom cars, EUP, and CAD/ MDT! |Whitelisted!

Hello, I’m Aaron Underwood, the Sheriff in Tennessee State Roleplay. TSRP is based off of the Shelby County- Memphis area and utilizes realistic resources of the Memphis Police department, Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Citizens of Shelby County & Memphis, and Memphis Fire and rescue/ EMS.

Basic Overview: TSRP is a mature community seeking new members interested in a community that is realistic in recreating a FiveM variant of Tennessee Law Enforcement, Fire & Medical services, and day to day function of Tennessee’s citizens. Although we would like to have experienced members, No experience is needed as we will be sure to teach and assist new members as much as possible upon joining.

Administration: Our administration system is referred to as the Community Council. Members of the Community Council are similar to Moderators, staff, or Administrators. The difference between the Council and the alternative system is that the council represents every member of the server to give each member a voice in what they want to see in the server or for any changes that may be proposed.

How to learn more or Join: Our discord link can be found here:. For questions or comments, you can join our TeamSpeak and speak to a member verbally.

A few pictures from the server can be found below:

Hi, I was wanting to join this server to apply because I would join in the Tennessee highway because that is a career that I would like to go down when I am older, and is their a age limit. Also that the discord invite is not valid.

i need help how do i get my design on my police cars?