(Temporarily Discontinued) "Re-Define Yourself" at Southwest Roleplay!


Our community was founded in mid/late 2015 with a mission to create a realistic emergency services roleplaying community for FiveM. In the last 8 years, we have undergone many different names and styles, one thing remained the same, our dedication to maintain that mission. While we adapt many of our practices to meet the many demands of a modern roleplaying community, we combine our leadership styles of member reinforcement and continued education to create a fun yet realistic roleplaying environment all based on operations of the great State of California.

We would be very glad for you to be a part of our community and join alongside of us for this exciting journey. We are fully committed to establishing a safe and enjoyable environment for all members. We will take all possible steps to ensure that all members have a wonderful experience while in this community.

Furthermore, we are fully committed to creating a very efficient system to support the community as well. Our goal is to avoid our community taking on any semblance of a burden for our members (being in a full-time job etc.). Therefore, we are confident that streamlined and efficient processes will be part of what makes this community special and unique. We also place a huge emphasis on acknowledging the reality that, regardless of rank or time in the community, we all are just people at the end of the day. We all are here for the same reason, namely, to have fun with our fellow members, and we will constantly strive to ensure that all members remember this reality. We are a volunteer community, so we especially value our members’ time and commitment and are extremely grateful for all of their time that they contribute to help this community thrive and prosper. Furthermore, We are dedicated to taking a progressive approach to change in this community and will always be open to hear the concerns of the membership base. We will continually work to improve all aspects of this community and ensure that all members are heard and valued.

As we grow, we are hoping to become a server with a dedicated, disciplined and professional side of roleplaying.

We currently have a small but good group of administration happy to work with new potential members that wish to join us, even if you don’t have any experience, you can join and we will provide you with training and help you grow within the ranks as best as we can.


State Santos Blaine Paleto
Hiring Police Dept. LSPD SSPD PBPD
Not hiring Sheriff’s Office LSSD BCSO
Not hiring Fire Rescue LSFD BCFD
Hiring Highway Patrol SAHP
Hiring Civilian Operations N/A

…and many more opportunities to choose from as the community grows!


  • Complete and in-depth Standard Operating Procedures for departments.

  • A wide variety of emergency vehicles in each department to choose from.

  • EUP 9.7

  • SnailyCAD

  • SCN Radio System

  • Justice / Courts system, LEOs have to make their charges stick!


Realistic operations: Our Civilian Operations Department works tirelessly to craft authentic scenarios that give members a as much of the experience of a first responder as possible.
Pride in professionalism: Conduct is important to us. We maintain a high level of professionalism both in-game and out, ensuring that all members are respectful, knowledgeable, and competent in their roleplay abilities.
Sense of community: Join a diverse group of players who share your passion for the world of first responders. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to FiveM, you’ll find a welcoming and supportive community here.
Training opportunities: For both those new to law enforcement roleplay or FiveM or otherwise, we offer numerous training and continuing education opportunities to help you get acclimated, ensuring all personnel have the skills and knowledge to participate fully. These include scenarios, refresher courses, lectures from real first responders, skill workshops, and newsletters to help our members stay at the helm of the best practices.
Patrol debriefing: After each patrol, field training officers and community administration members conduct a debriefing session to identify areas of improvement, share valuable insights and lessons learned during the patrol, and strengthen the sense of unity and teamwork within our community.


While we are on downtime, as our demand for community startups is low, we will sometimes host community events for people to join on their own volition and can include (but are not limited to) any of the following scenarios

  • Motorcade/Convoy scenarios
  • HVT/VIP protection & assassination scenarios.
  • Natural disasters, evacuations, riots.
  • Active Shooters, Bank Robberies, Hostage Situation scenarios.
  • Formation Flying
  • Emergency Vehicle Operations Course


  • Must own a full, legal copy of Grand Theft Auto V for PC. It is strongly recommended that you have a device capable of supporting patrols throughout the entire Grand Theft Auto V map.
  • Must be 16 years of age by the date of your registration. (Exceptions CAN and HAVE been made!)
  • Must be able to read and write English well.
  • Must have a working, intelligible microphone.
  • Must have read and agree to our community standards.

Discord: Discord
Twitter: x.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swestroleplay/
TikTok: TikTok - Make Your Day

Give us a chance and we’ll do our best to make your stay an enjoyable one!

You may reply with any questions, comments and concerns you may have and we will do our best to answer them.


I’m scared to look deeper into this I need somone to hold me :sob:

  • I see the appeal about this many people like the lore of GTA V & they want to keep to it which I respect. But this is scaring me!
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…and we’ll be here every step of the way to support you, and in the end if you still don’t like it then no harm no foul!

Great server, Awesome staff team. I joined the server back in early 2020 and my time in the server has led to me gaining more experience. Love the server and would be great for more people!

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Sick Capture

Small but awesome community. Constant updates to the game and to its outside resources like the CAD/MDT and it’s website. I highly recommend it to people who are looking to have a good time without having to grind away there time to get money and ranks to have a good RP.

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Definitely a server worth joining if you like to roleplay in small groups but just the right amount to enjoy a couple of hours on FiveM. Been doing that for the past 2 years with this server and I’ve yet to regret it.

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okay dad

Halloween has arrived and Sandy Shores takes no prisoners

There seems to be a disconnect between peoples’ definition of lore friendly and I want to clarify that our server is lore friendly by actually using custom vanilla vehicles and maintaining the proper design.

I believe him

Call it a bad romance

brokeville is insane :skull:

What’s new?

We’ve released our updated LSPD fleet! While this fleet is not fully complete, it currently features a wide array of equipment that suits the style of a modern day Los Santos and the needs of the police department.

  • Staged Lighting
  • LAPD spec. design, equipment & interior.
  • Old AND New equipment that is interchangable to your liking.

Here’s a small clip to show you the staged lighting, wonderfully crafted by TX.

By the time we give out our next update, we should have some new addon weapons that we think people would love to get their hands on.

Lastly, here’s a few screenshots that have been captured in the last few days.

Thank you for taking a look.

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In order to be more transparent, I’ve added an up-to-date hiring status to the original post as well as included a small list of small events that we may host on-the-fly.

Gone ahead and updated the title that way there’s a bit more “mystery” and gets more people to open it up and take a read.

who invited these guys to the party??