Teleport player into an interior


So I found the mod to teleport players to any location.

Now, this is all fun when you want to teleport on the map itself. But I try to teleport into an apartment.
I hope this is possible yet. But I struggle with the requestIpl. Is that a server side command or client side ?
Also If I teleport to the coordinates of the apartment, the game doesn’t like that…

So I need some help of 1 or 2 awesome minds I can find here.

Client Side. Anything you find here is client side.

Thanks, but I guess we can’t use them like that right ?
In other mods i see RequestModel(model).

Well I managed to get into interiors that doesn’t need extra IPL’s.

Just load the IPL and then set entity coords inside it

That is what i try to do, but IPL’s like this : apa_v_mp_h_01_a doesn’t work…
Or maybe these are from dlc content that is not implemented yet ?

What dlc is it from?

It is from this list here :

It just says Online apartment. But I guess this is completely wrong since it is just a different look of the ones already in-game.

@hoegarden31, part of list you can find [here] ( Later © will be updated. Instructions how to request and load also there.

[UPD] Already updated.

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