TD-DutySystem with 911 calls

Introducing, TD-DutySystem. This resource is a simple Duty System, which should be utilised for vMenu servers, allowing you to set jobs, the jobs that are available are BCSO, LSPD, SAHP & SAFR, but following the examples, you can easily add more! Using this script you will very easily be able to create so much more! Using the job export, you can easily restrict certain things to jobs, things such as door lock scripts, to modify it to only allow on duty LEO to be able to unlock PD Doors etc! This script also had a 911 script in it!

Below is some previews:


911 from the LEO Perspective:

Export with usage examples:


Config = {
    ServerName = "Thomas Developments",
    UseAcePerms = false,   
    DiscordLog911 = true,
    Webhook911Call = "Webhook_Here",
    Hide911WhenAccepted = false   -- Set to true if you want the notification to disappear when they draw a route to it.

Ace Perms Setup:

Here is a list of the ace perms, that you will need to allow in your server.cfg =
BCSO Job = Thomas.Onduty.BCSO 
SAHP Job = Thomas.Onduty.SAHP 
LSPD Job = Thomas.Onduty.LSPD 
SAFR Job = Thomas.Onduty.SAFR

Video Preview:

Ox Lib


Checkout my other stuff!
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County EMS [FREE]


While making the call (which lasts a few seconds) can it be modified to last 2 minutes and in those 2 minutes be able to steal, play mini robbery games and other things? Or does doing something else cancel the call?

because it occurs to me that in the server rules, make people have to use this script before stealing and give them 2 minutes of time to steal before the alert is sent

instant of typing nearest postal code , should be easier if i just check waypoint , its faster , most server not using postalcode map

You can remove the postal section. The location is still grabbed regardless

It is open sourced, feel free to do what you like with it.

good job, i like it

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Much appreciated :raised_hands:t4:

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After running the /department commands again, it wont remove the blips ingame and you still get calls?

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I have not had this issue, but Iā€™m running on a much more advanced version, I will have a look at this shortly and see if I can identify a problem.

Have you downloaded the latest version?

Yeah. Using the latest version on Github currently, and after running the command again it wont remove the blips.

please now download the latest version :slight_smile: