Tazio - Rolechat


I made this mod to get your rank in chat automated.
It uses ace’s to get your roles!


[ Owner ] ( Tazio ) : {message}

How to add this
  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Paste the plugin into resource folder.
  3. Goto your server.cfg and then look at Permissions in the tab below what do.
  4. Start the plugin.
  5. Enjoy.

Note: you have to restart your server to update the principals.

add_ace [an role] [List of ace's] allow
add_principal identifier.steam:[hexid] [an role]

Replace the [] with existing thinks!
This is most useful when you have an already existing group(an role)

List of ace's


Version 1
Version 2
Discord permissions (checks with the discord permissions done by @rhys19 :heart: )




Latest commit: Version checker from @rhys19
Latest branch: Discord perms from @rhys19

If the plugin doesn’t work, you can text me below. If you modify the code I can no longer support you.


How can i install this? i dont get it can you hel me maybe?

Read how to add this

Yeah iknow but i dont know how he can see that the player needs owner rank or something?


You say this is automated but how he can see that one player needs the owner role?

add that to you server.cfg

As per the Releases Rules and F.A.Q, a certain quality standard is required (see Quality). One of these quality requirements is to not use deprecated methods.

You should be using the chat:addMessage event instead of chatMessage. The chatMessage event is deprecated as seen here.

Please fix this. Let us know when you have fix this by flagging the topic.

Thank you :mascot:

Pretty sure you used my script to create this… Please credit me…

1 Like

Oh ye woops

Either add me in the post with a link to my script or remove the post.

Hey, i changed all my code :slight_smile:

OP made all changes.

very good lmao

Love Lean <3 Lol

thank you thank you

Great release, :clap: seems perfect for ESX / Roleplay servers :wink:

welll while you’re talking about that look at my newest commit of this wink wonk.

1 Like

New! discord permission checker, lets you check with the discord permissions!

PS: this needs to be tested! let me know if anything is wrong with it :smiley:

Added wiki to github :wink:

Setup guides

Ace Permissions
Discord Permissions

any issues you can post on github or tell me here :wink:


@IllusiveTea (Discord perms)
@Tazio - Script creator

PS: i have gotten permission to edit his script, pr was made and published to another branch for discord perms :smiley: