Task Failed: BLOB 'users' ne peut avoir de valeur par défaut


when i try to install the qbcore in my wamp, there is this error :slight_smile:

[15:29:29] Starting deployment of QBCore Framework.
[15:29:29] Running [task1:download_github]… :heavy_check_mark:
[15:29:29] Running [task2:move_path]… :heavy_check_mark:
[15:29:29] Running [task3:move_path]… :heavy_check_mark:
[15:29:29] Running [task4:connect_database]… :heavy_check_mark:
[15:29:29] Running [task5:query_database]… :x:
[15:29:29] Task Failed: BLOB ‘users’ ne peut avoir de valeur par défaut
“action”: “query_database”,
“file”: “./tmp/qbcore/qbcore.sql”
Debug/Status: [“6.0.2”,“Windows 10”,“loading task query_database”]

i can’t use qbcore !

please, help me !

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