Syndicate Valley Roleplay

This is Syndicate Valley Roleplay, we are a Vmenu FiveM server who proud ourselves on having some of the best roleplay and resource options available for our amazing members! SVRP is controller, female and new to FiveM friendly. We are constantly checking and updating our server to ensure you will have the best time possible with us!!
We are 15+ for in game roles and 18+ for Chain of Command Roles.
In order to work with us you will need to have access to TeamSpeak as well as Sonoran CAD. We strongly recommend having a laptop at minimum in order to dispatch with us.
For our in-game departments we have;
San Andreas Civilian Department [SACD]
Blaine County Sheriffs Office [BCSO]
San Andreas Fire and Rescue Department [SAFRD]
Los Santos Police Department [LSPD]
San Andreas Central Communications Department [SACCD]
San Andreas State Troopers [SAST]
San Andreas Department of Transportation [SADOT]
San Andreas Water and Power [SAWP]
Department of Justice [DOJ]
Civilians have the opportunity for jobs and other things as well as real estate!
We have custom map locations as well custom civilian vehicles providing a wide range for your best characters to enjoy!!
If interested please use the discord link below and apply!