Synced Vehicle Locks, with Lock all NPC cars Here is error

Get latest version buddy that’s been corrected

got this error

me too

Well, with the git clone i got the error but with the manual download i worked x) Good release btw

That’s interesting lately i start to wonder what was the different between those to, can you kindly elaborate on this subject. and how do you measure large resource ?

This is awesome! good stuff buddy!

The lock-pick stopped working. When i use it end do all the job the car still locked?

Got a lot of people asking when we should use ensure and start in the server config, truth is i had never really thought about it, however i do know the new guide for setting up a server on ( here ) uses ensure and not start, Im also aware the new TXAdmin that is a part of fivem now ( here ) also uses ensure and not start, i use ensure on all my resources and this could possibly be a bad habit, however as ive been asked i am trying to get a more definitive answer on this :stuck_out_tongue:

I can add a call for you to add to Lock pick script, all vehicles are locked based on chance, however you can bypass these in the config.

If you have a Job with a Job name use the

Config.JobsandPlates = {
[1] = {job = ‘Job Name’, plate = ‘plate without the numbers and spaces’},
[2] = {job = ‘mechanic’, plate = ‘BENNY’}

if you have a job without a title, but with a set plate e.g ESX-MoneyLaundering use

Config.whitelistPlates = {
“Plate without the numbers and spaces”

if you have a job without a job title and without a set plate e.g houseRobberies i belive use

Config.whitelistVehicles = {

FX version is defiantly defined on line 3 fx_version ‘bodacious’, its maybe possible your not using the latest artifacts ?

I have absolutely no idea what i am doing with git i will be completely honest, maybe i did something wrong for the clone to be wrong i am not sure, but at least manual download works :stuck_out_tongue:

I have an Esx item and I want to be able to unlock any car with it.

Added a call for you to do this

– [[ Call for Theft Systems ]] –
– Plate = Vehicle Plate ( GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle) )
TriggerServerEvent(‘shorty_slocks:breakIn’, Plate)

So Recieved this on the CFX.RE Discord

ensure stops a resource if its already running and then starts it. start just starts. so if the resource has changed, with start those changes will not take effect

Hope that helps you guys

Nice script, does it work for player ? Like if player have a car can he lock/unlock it ?

Yes works with owned vehicles

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Hey, i have a Question i build a UI Menu and i want make a Button with Lock, Unlock and Dupplelock and i have the problem how i get the Event Working “setvehicleLock” i have it that the message in chat came but the vehicle are not locked i need your help ^^

Send me what u have done already

This Code i have in the menu

RageUI.Button(string.format("Aufschließen", i), "Hier kannst du dein Fahrzeug Aufschließen", {}, true, function(Hovered, Active, Selected)
            if (Selected) then
                local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
                local vehiclein = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)
                local vehicle, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(player))
                local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)

                if distance ~= -1 and distance <= 3.0 then
                    TriggerEvent('shorty_slocks:setvehicleLock', plate, 1, GetEntityModel(vehicle), player, true) -- Unlock
                    ESX.ShowNotification("Das Fahrzeug Wurde Aufgeschlossen")

                    ESX.ShowNotification("Kein Fahrzeug In der Nähe.")

        RageUI.Button(string.format("Zuschließen", i), "Hier kannst du dein Fahrzeug Zuschließen", {}, true, function(Hovered, Active, Selected)
            if (Selected) then
                local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
                local vehiclein = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)
                local vehicle, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(player))
                local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)

                if distance ~= -1 and distance <= 3.0 then
                    TriggerEvent('shorty_slocks:setvehicleLock', plate, 2, call, player, true)
                    ESX.ShowNotification("Das Fahrzeug Wurde Zugeschlossen") -- Lock

                    ESX.ShowNotification("Kein Fahrzeug In der Nähe.")

        RageUI.Button(string.format("Innen & Außen Zuschließen", i), "Hier kannst du dein Fahrzeug Innen und Außen Zuschließen", {}, true, function(Hovered, Active, Selected)
            if (Selected) then
                local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
                local vehiclein = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)
                local vehicle, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(player))
                local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)

                if distance ~= -1 and distance <= 3.0 then
                    TriggerEvent('shorty_slocks:setvehicleLock', plate, 4, call, player, true)
                    ESX.ShowNotification("Das Fahrzeug Wurde von Innen & Außen Zu Geschlossen") -- Dubble Lock

                    ESX.ShowNotification("Kein Fahrzeug In der Nähe.")

I get Messages that the car locked but the car isnt locked.

Your trying to Bypass the Sync System there, doing it this way will not allow you to open the door as the system asks the server if the door is locked or unlocked.

I am also a little confused as to when your trying to use the menu, as your asking for the Vehicle ped is in but not using it ?

Also your not checking for ownership of vehicle with that, are you trying to use this Inside the Vehicle Out side or Both ?