Switched Hosts

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GTA V version? 1.46
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? STEAM_0:1:424087770
Windows version? 10
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? YEs
Error screenshot (if any)

System specifications i5-8600k GTX 1070
What did you do to get this issue? Started my server
What server did you get this issue on? Ascend Servers
CitizenFX.log file
.dmp files/report IDs

if video doesnt work

Also add what you already tried so far.

Im honestly not sure why im getting this error, I’ve heard quite a few people using ascend servers and have seen nothing but positive reviews so i tried it, and im now getting this error. I wasnt 100% sure where to put this post as it didnt seem very relavent for server owners tab.

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Ascend servers is an unauthorized GSP, this means the server got blocked by FiveM. If you want a gameserver hosting check Zap otherwise get a VPS somewhere

I was referred to them by people that are currently using there services is what im not 100% understanding.

You can’t order a premade FiveM server from another GSP other than Zap Hosting. That is basically what TheIndra is saying.

Im still not 100% understanding. My first server started on ZAP and it just wasnt the best experiance. I switched to a differnet Host, and havent used zap since then. I’ve been perfectly fine. A ton of people arent using zap.

Yeah, They are using other host’s VPS / Dedicated server hosting. Not premade servers. Premade servers are not allowed to be sold by unauthorized GSP’s. The only GSP authorized to sell premade servers is Zap Hosting. If you don’t like Zap Hosting’s premade servers order a VPS from somewhere else and setup the server by yourself and use that one.

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As far as i was aware, it was a VPS. Ive had to put all of my files into it thru an FTP, and put everything into the database. The only thing theyve done is give me a network to do it off of. This is why im confused on being “Premade”

Doesn’t look like a VPS tbh, it looks like a preconfigured gameserver

Being premade is when THEY the hosting company creates the server for you and all you gotta do is configure it and install resources which is not allowed unless they are an authorized GSP. A VPS would allow you to actually connect to a virual system that will make you actually install the entire server yourself. Not just configure it and install resources.

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