Swedish Ambulance ELS

Hello! I have modified the London Ambulance ELS to a Swedish Ambulance ELS with blue lights too!


Click here


  1. Download the Swedish Ambulance
  2. Put the ambulance.xml ELS/vcf
  3. Go to ELS/config.lua and under vcf_files you need to add “ambulance.xml”
  4. Put the Ambulance map into your resources
  5. Add Start Ambulance in your server.cfg
  6. If you are using essentialmode. Then you write /car ambulance ingame




  • Lastes Version of ELS

Contact me if you got issues!

How is this swedish? looks like u literally just changed text and uploaded it

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Since we have the same vehicle why change more then the text?

Thank you XBlue

Same vehicle? never seen a swedish ambulance like that in modern time, he has changed a logo + 2 texts to swedish and called it an release? lolololol didnt even change license plate to swedish

I should just release all my PD textures with my server info on them to FivmeM :stuck_out_tongue: not

*Dalarnas ambulans? Have you seen it?

This is still the British skin, 1) Arrows Pointing up. 2) License Plates

Not done with it. I will fix it!

funny how its a British Number plate from London and says its sweedish but has Los Santos On it PMSL