Surge RP


SurgeRP is a freshly opened small NSW based QBcore server with HUGE potential and strives on serious RP.

It offers heaps of content such as:

Custom MLOs
Custom Vehicles
Custom Clothing
Custom Drug Scripts
Custom Jobs (Can be a certified Forklift operator smirk)
Realistic Economy
Potential to Start businesses/organisations
Custom Locations for Magnitudes of different things.
Always something to do
Stream friendly

An amazingly rewarded EMS team that is looking for more members to help the community strive

Fire Service and NRMA is also in the plans when the time is right for them to be implemented

SurgeRP has a small active community of around 20 Players with more police than criminals… so if you want to spread your wings as a criminal or even join an organisation within the city or MAYBE you even want to stop the criminals as police then this is where you want to be.

With a welcoming staff team and a Non-harmful community SurgeRP could just be where you feel at home.