Stuck on Green Screen with music

GTA V version? Latest

Up to date? Yes

Legit or Pirate copy? Legit

Steam/CD/Social Club? amazon

Windows version? 10

Error screenshot -



Gta 5 file

dmp file… not sure

Stuck on green screen, with music? Can’t see servers nor give option to connect directly. Any suggestions or help. Thanks before hand.

Trying pressing the “x” or alt F4.
I get this issue most of the time.
It seems to work after you threaten to close it lol.
It worked for me and my other friends with the same issue.

If that doesn’t work try this : It automaticly connects you to the server you want by editing a file. Just go to fivereborn serverlist : and copy the ip of the server you want to join

@Refuser It tried once, then crashed and tried to do it again and stuck on the screen again.

Still having the problem. Any solutions? Have tried everything i can find.

@stevenehlert Are you sure you entered the right ip and port?


This what it gives me

Can you show a screenshot of your edited menu.html with the added line?


Looks good, now try using different compatibility modes

@Refuser thank you for helping. But, stuck still.

@stevenehlert @Boss can you lock this, Making a correct forum post.

Just edit your first post.

@Boss done

What graphics card do you use?

@Boss Nvidia gtx 970m

Did you try removing your \plugins\ folder? Move it to your desktop or something.

Also, are you drivers up-to-date?

Nvidia gtx970M
Intel ® HD graphics 5600

@stevenehlert said in Stuck on Green Screen with music:

Nvidia gtx970M
Intel (R) HD graphics 5600

Make sure FiveReborn runs with Nvidia gtx970M instead of Intel. You could disable your intel graphics card for a moment just to make sure.

@Boss Lock it. Solved.

Think that solution would help many others.