Hi, im having problems connecting to a server. When i connect it just get stuck at “Entering Session…”
Here is a screenshot: https://i.gyazo.com/490901c5010b94f326b31ce488f99b16.png
Here is the recent logfile: https://pastebin.com/LyXasqny
GTA V version? Latest
Up to date? yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Social Club
Windows version? Win7 Ultimate SP1
Error screenshot https://i.gyazo.com/490901c5010b94f326b31ce488f99b16.png
GTA V folder screenshot https://i.gyazo.com/c728c39d270f405cfbc0d1eb5a17befc.png
GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot https://i.gyazo.com/bb2c8c36485e0f9cef75bba3d54ce0f1.png
Filepath to FiveReborn folder E:\FiveM\FiveM.app
FiveReborn client folder screenshot https://i.gyazo.com/3453e960d57e659b1e200c581d50f483.png
CitizenFX.log https://pastebin.com/LyXasqny
.dmp files
Does it happen to all servers or just a specific one? Some servers require additional files to be downloaded to connect.
All servers where i get that far (many just stays at “Connecting to server”)
April 9, 2017, 10:35am
Be sure to have a clean installation of GTA V, there are left-overs from previously used modifications as ScriptHook and asiloader.
Verify the integrety of your game by re-installing the game.
Re-installed the game and FiveM, but im still facing the same issue
Try deleting crashes folder deleting everything in cache but game and priv or if it comes down to it try installing FIVEm make sure you take out plugins first if you have a folder for that
I’ve reinstalled FiveM multiple times
bump asd asd df sfs fds g sfd sdfsd f sdfs
April 12, 2017, 12:12am
Did you delete the appdata from FiveM?
Didnt have any FiveM appdata, but i did have a folder named CitizenFX in the appdata, I’ve deleted that now, and reinstalled FiveM - but the issue is still the same
April 12, 2017, 11:29am
Are they both installed on the same disk?
Yes sir, both on the E: drive
April 12, 2017, 12:58pm
Try to delete caches.xml, this will verify the installation of FiveM.
Didn’t make a difference - however the problem seems to be that Before_map and map is not being loaded. As far as i can see
Hello, I was the same, is there a solution? please
bump asd asd df sfs fds g sfd sdfsd f sdfs
This is a rather old post, however this issue typically stems from a bad connection.
To possibly fix the issue, I would advise joining the server with nobody on and loading any custom models.
What do you mean by joining the server with nobody on and loading any custom models ?
was there ever a fix to this