**GTA V version?**1.46
**Up to date?**Yes
**Legit or Pirate copy?**Legit
**Steam/CD/Social Club?**Social club
**Windows version?**10 pro
**Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?**Yes
**Error screenshot (if any)**None. I can see my money and my food/water status and i can hear cars ect… But im still in the loading screen.
System specifications I9 9900k RTX 2080TI
**What did you do to get this issue?**Messed with some scripts. But even if i stop them it wont launch properly
**What server did you get this issue on?**my own server
CitizenFX.log fileNo
.dmp files/report IDsNo
Also add what you already tried so far. Ive tried to reinstall FiveM. But i know for sure its something with the server. Since i can connect to other servers. Ive even tried stopping all of the scripts and plugins…