Streaming custom textures to peds without replacing

Hi, i’d like to stream custom textures to RedM for players ped skin colour without removing the default ones.

For now i’ve managed to take the default mp_head_mr1_sc08_c0_000_ab.ytd, extract it with OpenIV, replace the texture with another one, save it, convert it for RedM using CitiCon and load it into the stream folder of a resource, the result was that the skin colour was the one from my texture, so… nice.

But now i’m having troubles renaming the file, i tried renaming it to mp_head_mr1_blue and loading it in the game with RequestTexture as i did before for mp_head_mr1_sc08_c0_000_ab, the problem is that it’s not working at all, it isn’t loading my texture and it isn’t even giving any kind of error.

What am i doing wrong? Is there even a way to stream custom textures that aren’t replacement of the originals and apply them to peds?

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