šŸ» Stoic-Status


:bear: Stoic Server Info Dashboard :bear:

The Server Info Dashboard is a web application that provides real-time information about your server and its online players. Itā€™s designed to give server administrators and players quick access to essential server details and player statistics.


  • Server Status: Check the status of your server, whether itā€™s online, offline, or loading.

  • Online Players: See the number of players currently connected to your server.

  • IP Address: Display your serverā€™s IP address for easy access.

  • Customizable: Easily customize the website with your own logo, website link, and Discord server link.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your web server.

  2. Configure your server details in the config.php file.

  3. Customize the website by replacing the logo and updating the links.

  4. Access the dashboard through your web serverā€™s URL.


  • Server administrators can quickly check the serverā€™s status, online player count, and IP address.

  • Players can use the dashboard to see if the server is online and how many players are currently playing.

  • Customize the website to match your serverā€™s branding and provide essential links.


  • Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
  • Utilizes AJAX for real-time updates.
  • Inspired by the need for a simple server information dashboard for game servers.
Step Description
1 Download and Extract the Files
- Download the Stoic Status Panel files to your computer.
- Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP file to a directory accessible by your web server. If you are using XAMPP, place it in the htdocs folder.
2 Edit the Configuration
- Open the config.php file in a text editor.
- Modify the configuration variables according to your preferences. You can change colors, links, and other settings to customize the panelā€™s appearance and behavior.
3 Set Up a Web Server Environment
- Ensure you have a web server environment like XAMPP or Apache installed.
- Start your web server (e.g., Apache) and make sure itā€™s running.
4 Access the Status Panel
- Open your web browser and enter the URL to access the Status Panel. For local setups, it might be something like http://localhost/your-status-panel-directory. For remote servers, use the appropriate URL.
5 Customize Further (Optional)
- You can further customize the Status Panel by modifying the HTML and CSS in the project files as needed.
6 Enjoy Your Status Panel!
- Your Stoic Status Panel is now set up and ready to display server status information according to your configuration.

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 350
Requirements apache/webhost
Support Yes

You do know that txAdmin exists right?

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TxAdmin does not give this information to the public.

So no.

What information are you claiming txAdmin does not provide to the public?

txAdmin does give this info to the public. For example the Discord bot built into txAdmin, all the info and features that your webapp has, are in that bot if the owner of the server has set that up.
I personally just donā€™t see the value in a web app that basically already exists.

What I also find a little weird is that you donā€™t provide an example of what this web app actually looks like.

nvm im blind

So txAdmin will provide a list of players and discord information on a website without having to login? Or be connected to the fxserver xD.

Either way its here to stay :wink:

Ive never seen a website for a roleplay server that gives this informatjon with quick access to join the discord server or see the IP to join from txAdmin.

This has ZERO to do with Discord bots. Yes txAdmin has thus for MEMBERS of the server, and thise who get this access. Yes there is a status bot yet you still need to be in the discord server to see this.

Yes there are these yet

Yet again you must 1 be registered to the txAdmin panel, or 2 be in the discord server.

So if you have a website for your player base.

This would take you to /status to see the player base/join the discord/see whos online in the discord.

You do understand that is all accessible without needing txAdmin? Youā€™ve basically made a panel that just shows the .json files that are publicly accessible with the IP address of the server.

90% of that data is also accessible via the serverlist website.

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