🐻 Stoic-ID

:bear:Stoic Simple ID Resource Showcase :bear:

Hey everyone! :wave: Check out the Stoic Simple ID resource for NDFramework. :rocket:

:mag: Command:

:information_source: Description:
Shows the user’s full name, date of birth, gender, and job to players in proximity.

:speech_balloon: Example:

:art: Styled Chat Bubbles:
Make your server’s interactions visually appealing with styled chat bubbles.

:star2: Icons:
Custom icons add a touch of uniqueness to the experience.

:link: Resource Link:
Image Name

  • This was made for NDCore
  • I have added what I believe was needed for QB. If not I will work to fix it :slight_smile:

Try it out and enhance your FiveM server experience! :red_car::dash:

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