GTA V version: Latest Up to date: Legit or Pirate copy: Legit Purchased where - Steam/Rockstar Launcher/Epic: Steam Windows version: Windows 10 Did you try to delete content_index.xml and try again? I’ve uninstalled steam, fivem and gta5 System specifications: i7 9700k, rtx 2070super oc, 32gb ram 3000. CitizenFX crash zip file (‘Save information’ on a crash): // logs/CitizenFX_log files: // .dmp files/report IDs: //
Important parts
What is the issue you’re having? Today i’ve realized that shift+tab don’t work on FiveM (work in all other games but not fivem) Same problem with ENB series menu (shift+ enter). Last time it works after the reinstallation
What are you trying to do?
What have you tried already to fix the issue? I’ve uninstalled fivem, gta5 and steam.
Error screenshot (if any): //
What did you do to get this issue? notthing
What server did you get this issue on? Be specific and name some, ‘all of them’ by itself isn’t useful!
I’ve the problem in the start menu’ is not a server problem. The problem persist in game too.
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This also has happened to me. Steam Overlay (Shift+Tab) and ENB(Shift+Enter/ End) have stopped working. Overlays and ENBs work perfectly fine in other games and the Key Mapping has been changed to find a fix to the problem but it still persist. It appears as if all overlays/external ui’s are broken for FiveM. Don’t understand what’s happened.
No idea, we didn’t change anything at all in this regard. Maybe if Valve or ENB could provide their code or debug symbols we could investigate.
It seems it’s mostly their input handling which broke, as present calls work fine.
… ah, found what happened: they’re using the same functions for input as a known cheat instead of properly subclassing, so they got their input checks blocked.
All of these overlays and UIs were working before the update… and I know for certain my ENB files have not been updated with any new code as they are local and do not have an automatic update mechanism…
I have been experiencing the same issue as pretty much everyone else here with the overlay. There was a suggestion made by another person but here is what works for me after this update.
*Visit Steam Settings (Click ‘Steam’ top left corner of the steam interface) > In Game > Click on “Shortcut overlay keys” > change from “Shift+Tab” to another keybind that suits your needs without conflicting with another keybind in server. (Shift+Caps Lock) works fine with the minor inconvenience of making sure you don’t type in caps accidentally.
The ENB open key bind (Shift+Enter) and (END) works like normal in normal GTA. It appears the problem is FiveM based. Some confliction with how it deals with inputs… I’ve rebound the UI key to every possible input. The ENB loads but does not take effect in game and the UI bind does not work either. This was working before the update and the ENB files were not altered in any way. The only variable that changed was the FiveM update.