State Of San Andreas Roleplay new community

State Of San Andreas Roleplay

Who are We?

Looking for realistic yet fun roleplay? If so, you’ve found yourself at the right place. Here at SARP we strive to bring you the most fun and realistic experience possible, while remaining professional. We’re all one big family, and we’re looking forward to having you join it! Looking to be apart of one our our four departments? Here at SARP, we offer our users the chance to join Blaine County Sheriff Office or San Andreas Police Department applications can be on discord server or our website

We’re always looking for talented developers to join our team! If you are interested, we suggest you spend some time getting to know the community before applying. We welcome all constructive criticism to be able to bring you the best experience possible!

What we have to Offer
We are currently hiring full-time members of the following Departments:

San Andreas Fire Department
San Andreas Highway Patrol
San Andreas Police Department
Blaine County Sheriff Office
San Andreas Communications Department (911 Operator)
Lots of Civilian Businesses ran by players.

Key Features

Features in the server

  • Public servers, no need to apply for civilian!
  • Custom LEO/FD/DOT/Civilian vehicles and assets.
  • Luxart vehicle control.
  • vMenu.
  • Custom Discord rich presence.
  • Custom rcon → server commands. More on our Discord.
  • Custom map modifications. (Bus stops, trees, VIP buildings, sandy shores airfield rework!)
  • Custom apartments for our donors
  • Resource & server management
  • Custom Radar/ALPR.
  • Custom PEDs with over 100 customisations.
  • Logs for all law enforcement commands for communications.
  • Comprehensive training in all departments. Realistic roleplay starts with vigorous training requirements.

Department Information
Each department listed above has many subdivisions you can apply for. We keep an up-to-date list on our discord server

If you can develop we are seeking developers to help with our server as well. We are in need of developers understanding how to code, and even simply people who can suggest decent scripts to make the overall role-play experience better!

We’re also looking for talented modelers and other developers to join our team. Come develop for one of the largest public FiveM communities available.

a position (especially if you’re applying for a programming position).

What we’re looking for:

Reliable developers - We want to know that you can reliably complete tasks we assign
Motivated - We want to know that you won’t just give up because “it’s too hard” (let’s be honest, this is basic stuff. You won’t be writing software in c++ for us).
Knowledgeable - I know we all need to start somewhere. But, I’m going to be honest. We don’t have time to teach you basic stuff. If you can’t write a simple loop, I’d apply at another time.
We also need to know that if we assign you a task, you will try and make some progress on it. Don’t worry, we’ll give you plenty of time that you’ll be assigned to something before assigning you (unless you choose a task yourself).

Can’t wait to have you on board!
We hope to see you pop on our Discord if you have any questions please private message on the FiveM forum or you can open a support ticket within our Discord and we can get back to you as and when we can.

*Discord invite Discord
*SARP Website:

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